I’ve heard that having a referral can give you a major boost, but I’m not sure how to approach people or even if it’s worth asking. And how many referrals do I need?
Do referrals really make a difference in landing a job, and how can I go about getting one?

Hey there,
I know I’m late to this, but did not want to leave your question unanswered as it could be interesting for future candidates as well.
The short answer is: Yes, referrals absolutely make a difference. A strong referral can get your application looked at more seriously and sometimes even fast-tracked past initial screenings. However, you don’t need tons of referrals. One good one at the right firm can be enough to make an impact.
If you’re not sure how to approach people, start small: alumni, former colleagues, or even second-degree connections on LinkedIn. Instead of outright asking for a referral, build the relationship first. Ask for advice, insights on their firm, or a quick coffee chat. If the conversation goes well, many people will offer to help naturally.
How is it going for you now? Hope you’ve been able to build some connections, but if you’re still figuring it out, happy to give more tips!