In a written case, there's sometimes multiple questions. Should I treat it as a normal case, and write down frameworks for each questions? What are some tips to avoid being flooded by large chunks of information? Thanks.
Written case: should I build a "framework" for each questions?
Hi there,
Ultimately, you need to be objective-driven. Figure out what you're solving for and focus only on that. Multiple questions might flow into the same overarching objective or be separate. Figure this out, reconcile it, and then work through the content, ruthlessly eliminating any information that doesn't help.
Honestly, this is something that needs to be taught/trained. It's hard to articulate exactly how to do this in writing.
Written case interviews are indeed becoming very fashionable nowadays as a way to interview!
Remember that the skillset tested is the same than in the "usual" cases, hence, all the practice you may have done totally plays in your favor.
One important point to add is the need to be very 80-20, structured and to the point, since the prep time is very short, so we need discipline with the analysis to have enough time to prep the communication strategy.
If you have multiple questions, they are normally all arround a key problem that you are trying to solve, so instead of diffrent frameworks for different questions, try to think about the framework that supports the overall solution.
Hope it helps!
Answer the specific question on the slide in a clear, concise and structured manner. Call out any assumptions made.
Have a look at this thread for plenty of tips on written case and how to structure the slides-
All your answers should be structured. Being structured does not necessarily mean having a framework.
Hi there,
from my experience, probably the main reason why candidates fail case interview: trying to use some sort of framework. Frameworks are to help structure the problem, to customize it for a particular case but it does it mean it must be always stated. You should structure the problem/issue fitting this particular question.
Good luck!
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Hi there,
in addition to the other comments, find below some example cases that are also suitable for the written case format: