Do any of you have experience with written cases? Any tips on how to prepare and how to approach it? Seems to me that the dynamic might change and be more of a presentation and less of a conversation compared to a typical case.
Thanks in advance.
Written case
case preparation will be the classical one with 2 additional points to focus on:
- 80-20 prioritization: quickly navigate an important amount of data to find what really matters to the case resolution;
- Executive summary: develop 1-2 pages to present that sum-up the problem and your recommendations.
I have a couple of well done written cases, feel free to text me for sharing.
Agree with Antonello´s point.
It´s the same kind of thing, but the added difficulty is to process a huge amount of data (relevant & irrelevant) and pages in little time.
Is something that needs prep not to get lost in the detail and be able to be 80-20 in the approach to finish on time.
Good luck!
Hi there,
Comparing written case to the usual case interview, the fundamentals of problem solving would be the same. The conversation happens after your presentation during the Q&A (or sometimes during presentation if the interviewers choose to ask questions earlier). Somewhat different format, but the same thing essentially.
But given the different format, I would suggest:
(1) Be selective, and don't try to read everything. You don't have time for that. Read with the questions in mind - "would this info support or counter the hyphothesis/recommendation", "how can this info be leveraged to produce the output". For those pages that are not useful, put them aside to save you time
(2) Try to do at least 1-2 practices beforehand to get used to the time pressure and get a feel of how much time you should spend on reading, doing math, and actually drafting the slides. In reality time flies during the written case, so you need to spend it wisely.
Hope this helps. Feel free to PM me if you have more questions.
Hi A,
I have pleanty of written cases - feel free to reach out.
The competencies that are tested are the same. The critical part with the written case is the ability to manage your time and to handle the large amount of information that you have.
You can find good examples also on the website of the major consulting firms.
Feel free to contact me if you want some suggestions on this.