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Would a masters in data analytics help me get into consulting?

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on Mar 19, 2019
Collected McKinsey & BCG offers/ Ex-McKinsey consultant/Harvard/WBS/MSU

Hi Hrag,

I agree with Vlad. 
Having MSc Analytics or MBA from Stanford don't guarantee you an offer to MBBs.

If you stand at the parting of the ways, I suggest you talking to carrer coach/consultant to develop your way to MBB or find alternative course of actions depending on your background.

Kind regards,

on Mar 20, 2019
I will get you an offer|McKinsey Senior EM|Offers from MBB|100+ interviews at McKinsey|Recruiting Lead|Experienced hire

Hi Hrag,

There are a couple of important things to note here:

+ Your Masters Degree is not a limiting factor to decide if you are a good candidate. My colleage has a Masters in Religion and he got offers from 2 of the top Big 3. Your overall profile - experience, leadership, education, etc. - determines your fit for the interview. Post that, it's all about how you perform at the interviews - Are you good at structuring the problem and critical thinking? Do you have good stories that demonstrate Leadership? and so on.

+ There are many consulting firms that are diversifying their usual consulting track. For instance, McKinsey hires data scientists who usually have a data analytics background like yourself. Data scientists have a slightly different career track, but they are a part of teams where there is huge amount of data, limited time to complete analysis or the need to use softwares apart from standard Excel/Tableau e.g., Python. I worked with a data analyst on my team a few months ago and the impact was terrific. 

Hope this helps!


on Mar 19, 2019
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


It's impossible to answer since:

  • We don't know the rest of your background to know whether your resume will go through
  • Getting into consulting means passing the interviews. Data analytics may help, but it does not guarantee you success. Preparation is the knig


on Mar 20, 2019
Data analytics is a good way to analyze the whole business data. You have to face enough interviews as well if you are going for consulting. For more information about data analytics you can visit
Anonymous A
on Mar 19, 2019

I have a MSc in data analytics from a target school and yes was able to interview at MBB. However, don't forget it is only your master that will determine if you can interview but your entire resume. I had a nice consulting experience on my resume and it definitely helped out. Good luck!

on Dec 29, 2021
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


I have seen multiple questions lately in the Q&A regarding doing masters, which one to choose, MBA vs. MiM, which schools to choose (both in US and Europe).

I joined McK after finishing my master in Architecture (totally not related field of study, and still), and I am doing an MBA in MIT atm. Happy to talk about this, given that you are also considering a non-conventional masters path.

Furthermore, I have been a professor in the Master in Management from Instituto de Empresa, in Madrid (MiM in IE Business School). 

Feel free to PM! Cheers, 


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