Goal is to break into consulting in the middle east. Haven't taken the GRE / GMAT yet, got into IE via their in-house test called ieGAT. Is the prep / money / time and extra 25k euros for IESE's fees worth it for the outcomes? Cheers
Worth applying to IESE if I have an admit from IE?
Hi there,
First of all, congratulations on the admission to IE Business School!
I would be happy to share my thoughts on your question:
- First of all, while both IE Business School and IESE may not be well known in the Middle East, it will not be a problem either.
- Moreover, therefore, unless you have other reasons to choose IESE, I do not think the additional required preparation and tuition would be worth it.
You can find more on this topic here: How to succeed in the final interview round.
If you would like a more detailed discussion on how to best prepare for your upcoming applications, pre-interview assessments and/or interviews, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.
Hey there!
It really depends on how much extra value IESE's network and reputation will add to your career goals in consulting in the Middle East; having an admit from IE already means you’re on a strong path, and from my own experience, I’ve seen that success in consulting is about leveraging the right network, career services, and personal drive rather than just a school’s name—if IE’s offer provides robust placement and connections in your target market, the additional prep, time, and 25k extra euros for IESE might not be necessary, but if you believe IESE’s global prestige and its alumni network could significantly boost your profile, then it may be worth the investment; feel free to reach out if you’d like to discuss this further.
Hi there,
I'd stick with the current option. I don't think the additional investment of time and money would make a difference in your chances in the ME.
Congrats! :-)
Hey there,
Personally, I'd stick with my IE opportunity and not spend the extra money for IESE if the goal is to break into consulting in the middle east. As in, that is not what I would focus on.
Ultimately, you now want to focus on being successful through screening, and this is achieved by then getting great academic results at IE, getting involved in leadership roles etc., and boosting your set of achievements and impact
Let me know if you'd like to discuss implementation more on anything I've said here. Would be happy to chat
All the best