How would you answer this question in your Personal Fit interview? Receive feedback on your answer and browse through the Q&As to review the approaches of other applicants and experts.

Why consulting?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions. The response to this question is quite generic, but it works all the time. When I interviewed with MBB, this is how I answered the question and you can follow a similar logic:
I focused on the fact that I was a recent graduate who did not know what to specialize in, in terms of industries (e.g. healthcare, consumer goods, retail, etc.) or functional topics (e.g., finance, HR, strategy, digital, etc.). Thus I emphasized that I wanted to get into consulting to better understand what I am passionate about by working on a different set of projects.
Moreover, I also mentioned that the skillset that I will acquire in consulting (e.g., team management, time management, client management) would be applicable anywhere I go next.
Lastly, I also highlighted the opportunity to take up significant responsibilities in the early stages of my career, as it is rare to find someone who is in his/her mid-20s sit on the same table with key industry leaders and make recommendations to them.

1. Consulting job is extremely relevant to business school education. It is sort of waste not to apply the business acumen we honed in b-school into any other type of job;
2. Consulting enables people to handle various type of businesses. You'll never get bored easily with such a steep learning curve, or, should I say, learning curves;
3. Consulting offers unlimited career possibilities as a great launchboard, the analytical skills and sector insights might get updated one day, but the problem solving approach, once mastered, is highly transferrable.

two of the most important things to me are continued learning and creating real-world impact. while research has the ability to achieve both, consulting provides me with an opportunity to delve into industries, problems, and technology that i'm not yet familiar with, in a highly-collaborative environment--something that academic research often falls short on. creating impacts that i can see unfold before my eyes has been the most rewarding experience of all, which all have come from my consulting experiences. it is much more motivating than uncovering an interesting research result that may or may not be impactful

For several reasons, the most important ones:
- The fulfilment I get while helping clients with their business challenge
- The exposure to the various projects, industries and/or sectors
- The problem solving spirit of the task

Dear A,
When answering “Why consulting” questions, provide three reasons why you want
to pursue a career in a consulting firm. A general rule is to find the reasons that are
important for you and logically fit everything you have done before (e.g. you want to
grow further in financial services and get exposure to these clients). You can always
use some personal rationale like your experience of working with consultants on a
client side.
Hope, it helps.
- Learning courve
- Project business
- High-pace, dynamic environemnt and implementation of work (compared to industry)
- directly creating impact / changing the clients buisness habits
- Netzwork (different Projects) & international background of people (for international consultancy)

On top of the insights already shared in the post, next week will be pusblished in PrepLounge´s Shop material related.
In concrete, the "Integrated FIT guide for MBB". It provides an end-to-end preparation for all three MBB interviews, tackling each firms particularities and combining key concepts review and a hands-on methodology. Following the book, the candidate will prepare his/her stories by practicing with over 50 real questions and leveraging special frameworks and worksheets that guide step-by-step, developed by the author and her experience as a Master in Management professor and coach. Finally, as further guidance, the guide encompasses over 20 examples from real candidates.
Hope you find it useful!

I´ve always been curious about everything, so trying out different project engamgemnts can really satisfy my need for change and curiosity by simultainiously test my creative problem sovling
I have been working in Consulting for the past 4 years. I love working across different business sectors, solve critical issues that span organizations, and enable organisations with the power of tech.

1) the steep learning curve. As you work with very driven and bright people, you can learn a lot in a short period of time.
2) the continuously changing environment. No 2 projects are the same, so this job will keep on challenging you.
3) You can really make an impact. Based on the insights that you gained, you can deliver valuable outcomes for the client.

Answering this question, you need to prove that you share the same values and goals with the company. You should point out the reasons - why you are a good fit for them and explain that you can see your future within the firm.
I would also recommend mentioning the inspiring atmosphere and that you've liked communicating with people who work there. Moreover, you can point out that you would be happy to develop in such a successful company. However, try not to give typical answers which usually candidates do. Answer the question according to your personal values and motivation!
Collaborative environment, exoansidng my intellectual capacity with endless learning opportunities, achieving real change

- solve different types of problems for clients
- collaborate with representatives from international companies
- help companies achieve the best results in the long run
Working in consulting is the best way to pursue a generalistic and complete business formation within excellent teams which works with top management staff from the very various companies the firm may work with, to work within a dynamic and demanding environment and finally to tbenefit from the international and mobile characteristic of the assignments.

I want to work with large companies and solve problems. I like how every day is different and there is a wide variety of work in the consulting industry.
My internship last summer, where I worked directly with a client, showcased my interest in consulting. During my time there, I was able to work closely with a client to understand their problem in depth, propose a solution and finally build that idea it myself as part of a team! I greatly enjoyed the whole process: initially understanding the problem and getting to its root cause; then thinking about solutions to it, sometimes crazy ideas and finally building one of these ideas. As such, in one sentence, I greatly enjoyed solving a problem with a small team that would make a client succed.

- get to know different industries and companies in a short period of time
- challenging tasks
- learning curve
The most important reasons will be a) to help our clients with disruptive growth, both revenue and profits b) simplify the prospects, opportunities and challenges framework within a complex multilayered, multi-geography organization and c) develop talent within for sustainable growth of our organization

I want to get into consulting for two reasons: creating true impact and developing personally.
1. I believe that as a consultant I'm in the unique position to help clients on a top level in overcoming their current business challenges, thus creating benefit for them and having a true impact in my work.
2. Intertwined with 1. is the chance to gather deep insights into varius businesses and industries and growing as a person. That helps again in improving in my daily work and achieving 1.

I want to better understand strategic goals, work on/learn about many different industries, and use data to drive ambiguous problems

Because I love learning new things, like to be challenged intellectually, and want to work on cases that have a real impact on the world around me. Also, having smart colleagues to work with is really stimulating.

My interest in consulting it is driven by three key factors to achieve a personal development which I am looking for in this point of my life.
Firstly, the exposure to a greater number of industries would allow me to expand my knowledge to a wider variety of problems, trends and situations.
Secondly, I believe only consulting and investment banking provide young workers with the necessary fundamental skillsets to face problem solving situations. The heritage learnt from these roles can be applied and carried over to every situation in life, being it personal or professional.
Lastly, The exposure to both different individuals and cultures fuels my interests and endless curiosity to understand others perspective, mindsets and points of view. I believe this is the key in leveraging technical skills but also to adapt and appreciate a more open minded mindset.

To work on diverse range of projects
To work across functions such as marketing,finance, supply chain etc
To accelerate my learning curve as working in consulting comes with a steep learning curve
I choose consulting for my personal development. This would come through exposure to different industries, working on different topics, and different people. The industry exposure will give me a broader understanding of how the business side of the world works, different topics will enhance that by knowing what are the different types of issues companies face today. Working with different people enhance emotional intellgence because you learn to deal with different personality types, working styles, cultures, which makes you easily get along with people you don't know easily, and learn how to get the best from them while giving them your best.
The biggest reason why I want to pursue a career in consulting is because I want to develop myself personally and professionally. I dream of opening a business someday and would really like to know what kind of problems business owners face and how frequent and hard are these problems and how to overcome problems in the best way possible.
I also like to travel and would love to work around great minds so that I can learn as much as I can so that I can implement those learnings in whatever way possible.
I want to have contact with several fields of management
I like fast paced and dynamic work environments
I like to be constantly challenged and forced to be creative
I love consulting due to the type of challenges we face in every new project. It gives us a chance to make the sherlock out of us. Also, It provides exposure to different industries and understands the business in a better way, which is not possible working in a particular industry.
1) Consulting gives experience that is unparalled: 1 year in consulting = 3 years industry. The breadth of experience I could gain as a junior consultant is a huge benefit in my eyes.
2) I like to solve problems of any kind, and this work would be highly stimulating and exciting to me. It would be an excellent extension of my education in finance/economics/math to really delve deep into real-world client issues.
3) The environment: I like to be mobile, not just stationary at a desk; and I like working with other like-minded, intelligent, and highly motivated young professionals.
1). 10 years of experience in all functions within the same industry, have learned the wohle perspective of running a business, now it is time to get to know how other indutries work.
2). positive experience as corporate strategist with Consulting firms, execellent and nice ppl
3). go out of comfort zone, expedite learning
- Variety of projects
- opportunity to gain experience in different areas and sectors that I want to explore
-immense learning, growth, creativity and collaborative environment which I seek

You have some great answers here already, but allow me to add my two cents.
I think the best way to address this question is to show the interviewer how the skills you get from consulting can help you achieve your greatest altruistic purpose in life. Firms are looking for candidates who can see the big picture and can attempt big dreams. If you can make this connection, then you will have answered the question well. That said, some of the common skills that consulting endows you with are problem-solving (analytical), communication, and people management skills. Find how these skills can equip you to, not only transform your life but that of millions of people. Show them that realistic connection.
You are also better off starting your answer by quickly and succinctly describing how you came to know about consulting. A personalized story makes your stand out. This is one thing I learnt from FirmsConsulting, and you may want to check it out.
I hope this helps.

Becouse, of:
1. people best industry experts
2. interesting projects from around the world
3. Fast curve of learning

because i like to work in a fast-moving environment and to be faced with new challenges

Having the ability to work for wide range of different industries
Work in a dynamic environment
Develop technical expertises

Consulting is an industry that
1. Demands different types of problem-solving skills which helps you develop many skills
2. Provides you an opportunity to work on grand problems
3. Allows you to make industry connections and gain insights
These are the three reasons why I would choose consulting

Consulting is something, which helps people and companies in all kinds of areas. As a Consultant you get to know so many topics, industries and people, which helps you improve yourself. You learn new things every day. Furthermore over the time you have so many expertise than you can aanlyse a situation very quickly and help other companies by using the knowledge you already have through other topics.

It's an area that is getting me really exicited about. I am not a comfort zone person, so I take the risks and really enjoy the challenges. Beacuse I thinks it is teh only way to grow up.

Because I enjoy a continous leraning process and strive to conquer new and challenging tasks on a regular basis. Therefore I would like to work in consulting as I am convinced that this would allow me to work in a environment where ongoing change and and new challenges are provided everyday.
For me, these are the key features that I will emphasize for an interview:
Consulting is a sector in which I will have a great opportunity to learn by doing and surrounded by the best experts. Furthermore, the learning curve never ends which means I will develop a vast array of marketable skills in a prestigious environment. Thereby, I will make a strong impact on society by helping clients to tackle their problems in order to improve their performance while I am a member of a dynamic team focused on delivering breakthrough solutions. In other words, my goal is to use my talent to help others and I believe consulting is the best place to achieve it due to the sector´s commitment to excellence.

it is the biggest challenge for the first job you can imagine. talking to CEOs about a new strategy from a "newby" is very hard. everyone grows in situations where you will learn and develop when you are thrown into the deep.
also i want to be able to do something with big and exciting customers. also i want to discover and meet a lot of new people and work together in interesting projects.
Because I want to work with like-minded people and diverse people who will challenge me to push myself to be the best version of myself that I can be

Personal learning: Deepen my know-how in digital across industries, working with highly ambitious colleagues to further push me, make use of best-practice approaches by internal know-how data base and train myself on strategical questions in C-level cases as well as getting used to communicate to C-level clients.

I want to learn about many industries and sectors in a short time. Often there are similar problems and challenges that can be solved and eased when you take expertise from other benchmarking industries to theirs. Consulting companies have both, this overview and deepnes for industries and solutions.
Further, I think it is very exciting to work with many people and on many different projects in a relatively short time. It develops yourself to know what you like, dislike or generally want to stay in consulting for very long-term.

Want to be part of key decisions in a variety of interesting industries that have a direct impact on the world

1. It is a logical nest step in my career as I am currently working in private sector consulting on projects.
2. Although my employer is one of the best in the public sector, I am attracted by the efficiency private sector companies are well known for
3. the company i am intersted to work with has challenged the industry by its approach to consulting but also challenged its culture by regularly rethinking its recruitment and retainment process, and D&I strategy

I have always been a tough problem-solver in my previous position as IT project manager. I love working cross-functional and solving different business issues. I think consulting would be a great fit also because of my interpersonal skills and my team spirit.

1. i have experience in consulting as a private equity analyst
2. love dealing with clients and stakeholders
3. i want to leave a mark on this world

It is challenging and I can be the best self when in a competitive environment.
I enjoy working on a team.
I like solving complex problems.
Because in consulting the learning never go down. I will learn and work with the most brillant peaple in word.

1. Learning curve 2. I will be exposed to many industries 3.I will develop a wide range of versatile skills in a prestigious environment.

the learning opportunities, the people (some of the most interesting and smart individuals) and the lifestyle (fast paced with exposure to tons of new things very often)

I love problem solving and I want to use my gifts for the greater good. I believe that I would be able to contribute to the company by offering information driven advice.

1) I like to work on new challenges for different businesses.
I like the challenges posed by consulting jobs and the solutions to the problems are quite unique.
It gives an opportunity to freshly understand a problem and revisit the solution

Learning curve never ends
Great variety of missions, clients etc.
Working with great profiles and great personnalities

Throughout my studies and career, I strove to attain a holistic view of a company. I actively search for opportunities to learn and have a bias towards action, building on my knowledge, identifying new opportunities and putting them into action.
Coming from an engineering background, consulting offers an ideal next step to build on this knowledge in a vibrant international background with like-minded peers, seeking new challenges and extensively learn about new industries.
I know that in consulting my knowledge and skills will be challenged while working with people on the highest levels of organizations and welcome this opportunity to grow both personally and professionally.

Consulting is a area which deals with diverse set of industries on issues which will equip myself with better knowledge and at the same time help me take up challenging roles wjich gives job satisfaction even though demanding

For three main reasons:
1- The steep learning curve: The opportunity to work and learn from expert people
2- I will get to work and meet international people with diversed background and experience
3- The challenging aspect of problem-solving: I thrive in challenging environments
- Hoogste niveau impact bij verscheidenheid van klanten
- Nadruk op zelfontwikkeling, aangezien ik het product ben
- Ruimte om creativiteit te gebruiken, zowel in vraag achter de vraag achterhalen als in de oplossingen (niet proposal-driven)

First, I strive while improving things and processes around me.
Second, I really like to share knowledge and experience.
Third, I'm eager to learn more, growth and get developed.
- seeing things from another angle help to figure out what's behind it and the critical sequences it leads to

I like the challenge of working with new clients, new problems.
I savour the opportunity to work with leading talents in their industries.
The opportunity to grow within my field is very attractive and I believe consulting is the only place to offer the kind of diversity I need on a day to day basis