How would you answer this question in your Personal Fit interview? Receive feedback on your answer and browse through the Q&As to review the approaches of other applicants and experts.

What would be a reason not to hire you?

This is a hidden "weakness" question. Find a weakness that isn't really one, and also explain why it isn't even really an issue anymore.
Additionally, you can pick something that is a weakness elsewhere, but not at weakness at consulting firms. E.G. "I question/challenge common beliefs/assumptions. This wasn't viewed positively at my old firm"

Recently I pushed my boss for inclusion of my idea in th product coceptualization for the competition. I did intensive research to provve that my idea can be winner.
One reason not to hire me could be that I don't have a business education. However, I am a quick learner and moreover, I propose that my scientific background includes transferable skills.

I have not yet worked in a consultancy, I need to adjust to the new work environment with more structure and processes, but I know that I am very flexible, easily coping with change

If you send me to Italy I could go to AC Milan match straight away:)

I had never worked in an international environment in previous positions and therefore I am not experienced in professional working situations with people from different cultures. I am confident that I can overcome this challenge because I have had many interactions with people from different cultures, in my travels and during my school years.

I don't know each rule and each pattern by know , and i dont mind to mix some things up. Conservative Companies wouldn't like it. But i will use at as a chance to find new ideas , create other perspectives and learn by gaining experience threw coworkers and threw my projects.

My values do not allign with that of the company

I think I can be a good fit at your company, the only reason not to hire me would be if you had other candidates that fitted better