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If you were an animal, what animal would you be?

I would be an ant. some people may underestimate the power ants have. Ants are always a great example of persistence and productive teamwork. If we apply these two traits, then we can succeed in many aspects of life.

I would definatelly be a bird, because they can fly and see the world from a very different perspective.

Eine Katze, unabhängig und doch gleichzeitig ein Tier für die Gemeinschaft mit einem ansprechenden Intellekt.

I would be an eagle, as they think keenly on their actions, yet take decisive measures to hunt and find food. They are excellent pilots, parents, and have stood the test of time.

I would be an eagle since I love freedom in my decisions which lets me thrive while at the same point I am always looking for new challenges.
Eine Ente, von der Wasseroberfläche aus betrachtet gleitet sie übers Wasser (Kundensicht) unter wasser wird dynamisch und schnell gearbeitet bzw. gepaddelt mit den Flossen.
Ich würdegern ein Steinbock sein, da ich mich auch in schwierigem Gelände wohl fühle und gerne einen Pberblick über alles von oben habe.

Wolf - the work in a pack, coordinating, cunning. I work best when part of a team. This also resonates with me as I am one of 3 brothers.

leonessa, per la sua grinta, forza nel combattere e affrontare le situazioni, per la sua intelligenza nell'andare a caccia

An orca whale.
Orcas opperate in teams and only in teams.
They hunt, extremely strategical, by first analyzing their victims and then attack under a structured way. Quite impressive.
Fun fact: orca groups are always led by a female whale
The orca was my favorite animal as a kid. and I can highly identify my self with their social behavior and way of “working”.

As a child my faviorte movie was lion king, so I thought my spirit animal must be a lion, confident, a leader, and brave.
But with time I realized this is not so much true, femal lions are way tougher than male lions but also sleep most of the day and their kill rate aka their success rate is not that high.
In my garden I identify more with an commonly known Bird the Eurasian Blackbird. Its a friendly nice bird which sings nice. The couples pair up and built a nest togehter and provide together for their offspring. They are also kinda brave in a less extrem environment, they are hardworking and work very well in a team.

this wouldnt be my answer, but this question is disrespectful to some religions and groups of people
definitely a cat. I am strong willed and independent but when someone is my world, they know it. My affections do not come easy but when they are earned my loyalty is absolute.
Plus they sleep 18 hours a day, I am slightly jealous!
Because I enjoy being around people, I would make a good dog.
Like a puppy, I'm happiest finding great food at PetCareRx when I get to interact with groups, and I take pleasure in helping people who are close to me.

A bird most likely a falcon, agile , fast, coming from above, having the overview, chasing not being chased