Got this question at one of the MBB interviews. Thanks!
Estimate the market size for amusement parks in Singapore (or country X).
Got this question at one of the MBB interviews. Thanks!
Estimate the market size for amusement parks in Singapore (or country X).
You can break this down in Volume (based on demande sizing) X Price
1. Volume
# people going to amusement park X # time they visit / year
People visitng parks can be segmented in two categrories
- locals : local population size with hypothesis on family size X % of local interested in park (based on age probably) X # visit / year
- Tourist : # of pepole visiting singapour as tourist X % of tourist interested in parks. (We assume only 1 visit / year)
2. Price
- revenu from tickets : maybe consider the average duration (in days)
- revenu from goodies & food & hotels
I think this level of granularity can be handled in quick market sizing.