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What can I expect from a group exercise within the Bayer Recruiting Day?

I got an invitation for the recruiting day at Bayer Business Consulting. The schedule for the day includes besides a biographical and case interview a group exercise as well as a presenation case. I have an idea about the former, however, the latter is new to me. Hence, I was curious, what hides behind the the group exercise and the presenation case (which has 15 min of preparation.

Thanks in advance!

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Anonymous F
on Feb 12, 2019
Originally answered question: Experiences Bayer Business Consulting

Basically this information below is still correct, I noticed they only have a few cases they use and little variation there (was chatting with other people on the Recruiting day and got the same case later): 

- Portfolio analysis: Basically you are given the R+D pipeline of a company and you need to rank them (BCG-matrix style, see Pharma R+D case here on PrepLounge). Check how much money you can make over what timeframe and keep the risk in mind. Identify one target compound to acquire from a competitor which balances the portfolio for a medium timeframe.

- new product in Brazil. Problem of Sales Forecast-Production bottleneck. Quantify the problem, offer solutions (more frequent updates of forecast, constinuous and flexible production, import from other markets or even price increase). You will get more data with opinions from departments - communication problem, they all think in silos. Offer solutions to improve internal communication.

- One operations case that I dont have much information on, but check operations cases and you should be well prepared. 

Difficulty overall: 4/10 quantitative, 6/10 qualitative

  1. The group exercise: There will be up to 4 candidates. Each Group member gets about 15 pages of preparation material and 45 min to read and prepare the case. In my case there was a company described almost exactly as the Bayer Company, but this fictitious Company had a bunch of problems. The task in the preparation time was to choose 2 lighthouse projects from a list of 6 projects that would solve the company’s problems. The twist was that we could choose one project freely, but the second project was given and mandatory in the preparation materials (and different for every candidate). After the preparation time they bring in about five people that will observe the group discussion. In the group discussion the group has to decide on two projects and present them together. They want to see that you are a leader, do not make the mistake of being a team player assuring that every team member can show a good performance, because they will interpret this negatively. Only mind your own performance.
  2. The case: There will be too different case interviews. The “normal” case and the presentation case interview. Both are a form of the Mckinsey-style interview. At Mckinsey you will get a case introduction and a question that you answer. Next you will get more information and again another question. At BC you will get all the information up front and all the questions and then you will be asked to prepare the case on your own. In the “normal” case they give you about 10 min to prepare while they sit there and observe you. In the presentation case you get about 25 min to prepare, then the leave the room and afterwards you are asked to present the whole case. There were always two interviewers in room during all the interviews.

I hope this helps future candidates!

Anonymous E
on Apr 16, 2022
Hi, I have case interview next week with Bayer and appreciate if you can share any advice from your previous experience
Anonymous F
on Jun 08, 2022
Hi Anonymous E, I hope you did well for your case interview with Bayer Consulting. I'm having mine in a few days and would really appreciate it if you could share your experience? Thank you
edited on Sep 19, 2020
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

Now, first, you should prepare just like you would for other strategy consulting interviews. This is because you need to be prepared to train for anything. (i.e. all scenarios).

That being said, if you're chosing to really focus effort, you need to prepare for cases around the types of projects you would expect! This because 1) Your interviewers will leverage their own experiences in creating your cases AND 2) They will want to make sure you can understand the type of work they do.


  • Healthcare / Life Sceinces (Focus)
  • Agriculture
  • High-tech materials.

Function / Case Type

  • Operations
    • Operational efficiencies/improvements
    • Org design
  • Strategy
    • Sales strategy
    • Marketing strategy 
    • Growth strategy
    • Stregic maneuvres (i.e. M&A, Market Entry)

I've actuallty just recently placed quite a few life sciences-focused consulting candidates in roles, including one in Bayer so happy to answer any additional questions via message!

on Jan 09, 2020
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


The interviews are pretty standard:

  1. Fit part
  2. Case (20-25 min)
  3. Your questions to the interviewer

Fit part usually includes the questions like "Why Consulting", "Why Company", Various stories about yourself (Leadership, Teamwork, Achievements - these are not very standardized)

Cases are a bit less demanding than MBB cases. Mostly standard cases like Market sizing, Profitability, Market Entry, Launching a new product, Acquiring a company, etc

Your questions to the interviewer - try to prepare interesting questions in advance

Presentation case

  • They give you a bunch of materials to analyze in 45 min (Articles, e-mails, data tables)
  • You prepare a presentation (flipchart / written slides)
  • You present 
  • There will be additional questions after your presentation


on Jan 09, 2020
BCG |NASA | SDA Bocconi & Cattolica partner | GMAT expert 780/800 score | 200+ students coached

Hello there,

The format of the normal case interview is the following:

  • 15 min Fit Interview
  • 30 min Business case
  • 15 min Q&A

In a "presentation case" you usually receive a deck of 20-30 slides all in once, including data and questions. You have to manage your time (in your case probably 45 min, but you should ask HR) for the different steps: Initial reading, problem approach, analysis, slides and final review. At the end of the interview you will be asked to present your slides and solution.

You can find some good examples of written cases online, but I could forward you what I have. Contact me if you are interested.


on Jan 08, 2020
McKinsey | NASA | top 10 FT MBA professor for consulting interviews | 6+ years of coaching

since the modalities change with the geography, I recommend to clearly ask HR without worrying about bothering them: they are there to help.

Usually, in presentation cases, you get all the material at the beginning, you then have 45 to 90 minutes to prepare your recommendations + 10-15 minutes to present + 10-20 minutes of Q&A. The case preparation will be the classical one with 2 additional points to focus on:

  • 80-20 prioritization: quickly navigate an important amount of data to find what really matters to the case resolution;
  • Executive summary: develop 1-2 pages to present that sum-up the problem and your recommendations.

I have a couple of well done written cases, feel free to text me for sharing.

Hope it helps,

Anonymous E
on Oct 23, 2018
Originally answered question: Experiences Bayer Business Consulting

I would like to share my interviewing experience at the BC recruiting day and give some tips so future candidates can be better prepared:

  1. The group exercise: There will be up to 4 candidates. Each Group member gets about 15 pages of preparation material and 45 min to read and prepare the case. In my case there was a company described almost exactly as the Bayer Company, but this fictitious Company had a bunch of problems. The task in the preparation time was to choose 2 lighthouse projects from a list of 6 projects that would solve the company’s problems. The twist was that we could choose one project freely, but the second project was given and mandatory in the preparation materials (and different for every candidate). After the preparation time they bring in about five people that will observe the group discussion. In the group discussion the group has to decide on two projects and present them together. They want to see that you are a leader, do not make the mistake of being a team player assuring that every team member can show a good performance, because they will interpret this negatively. Only mind your own performance.
  2. The case: There will be too different case interviews. The “normal” case and the presentation case interview. Both are a form of the Mckinsey-style interview. At Mckinsey you will get a case introduction and a question that you answer. Next you will get more information and again another question. At BC you will get all the information up front and all the questions and then you will be asked to prepare the case on your own. In the “normal” case they give you about 10 min to prepare while they sit there and observe you. In the presentation case you get about 25 min to prepare, then the leave the room and afterwards you are asked to present the whole case. There were always two interviewers in room during all the interviews.

I hope this helps future candidates!

on Oct 03, 2017


Guess you have had your interview by now and hope it went well!

Would you mind sharing your experience with me? Any information esp. regarding the group exercise and the presentation case is greatly appreciated!

Many thanks!


on Oct 31, 2017
Hello, i will he having the same Recruiting Day that you mentioned, next week. Do you mind giving me some advice? Thank you very much
on Jul 11, 2018
Any info on this appreciated! Thanks
Anonymous G
on Jul 11, 2018
Originally answered question: Experiences Bayer Business Consulting


Just curious if you completed this recruitment process and if you could offer any advice on what to expect?

Thanks in advance

Anonymous E
edited on Oct 23, 2018

I would like to share my interviewing experience at the BC recruiting day and give some tips so future candidates can be better prepared:

  1. The group exercise: There will be up to 4 candidates. Each Group members gets about 15 pages of preparation material and 45 min to read and prepare the case. In my case there was a company described almost exactly as the Bayer Company, but this fictitious company had a bunch of problems. The task in the preparation time was to choose 2 lighthouse projects from a list of 6 projects that would solve the company’s problems. The twist was that we could choose one project freely, but the second project was given and mandatory in the preparation materials (and different for every candidate). After the preparation time they bring in about five people that will observe the group discussion. In the group discussion the group has to decide on two projects and present them together. They want to see that you are a leader, do not make the mistake of being a team player assuring that every team member can show a good performance, because they will interpret this negatively. Only mind your own performance.
  2. The case: There will be too different case interviews. The “normal” case and the presentation case interview. Both are a form of the Mckinsey-style interview. At Mckinsey you will get a case introduction and a question that you answer. Next you will get more information and again another question. At BC you will get all the information up front and all the questions and then you will be asked to prepare the case on your own. In the “normal” case they give you about 10 min to prepare while they sit there and observe you. In the presentation case you get about 25 min to prepare, then the leave the room and afterwards you are asked to present the whole case. There were always two interviewers in room during all the interviews.

I hope this helps future candidates!

Anonymous F
on Apr 25, 2019
Originally answered question: Experiences Bayer Business Consulting

the actual case in the interview is so similar, I think it's derived from this one

on Jan 10, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


It´s the same as MBB:

  1. FIT
  2. Business case
  3. Q&A for the interviewee

The only particularity would be to inform yourself well about them, for the questions you may be asked in the FIT part.

Hope it helps!



Anonymous D
on Sep 21, 2020

Hello, would you mind sharing how was your interview experience with Bayer In-house consulting? I am also a bit nervous about the presentation case so any tips? Did you also have a "colleagues dialoge" section in your interview? Any feedback is very muuuuch appreciated :)

on Nov 08, 2020
Hi, Can you share your experience from the recruiting day? Thanks
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