With this CV, should I apply to local boutique consulting companies, or should I fancy my chances of getting into T2 and MBB's directly?
PS: AUB is a top 3 school in the middle east.
What are my chances?
You have an interesting profile.
1. I'd go broad anyway. You have nothing to lose from applying to MBBs as well, even if the chances of passing screening are smaller.
2. Make your CV and CL stellar. Your CV is in an ok shape, but there's significant space for improvement which then can make the difference between passing or failing screening.
This might help
3. Get referrals for as many of the firms as possible. These might help
- Expert Guide: How To Handle Networking Calls and Get Referrals
- Expert Guide: How To Get Referrals Via LinkedIn?
Looks like a good CV, I would say you have good chances of getting into the interview rounds.
Hi there,
The question is in what region?
If you are going for the larger offices in the Middle East, be mindful that you are competing with people who have Ivy League, Oxbridge, etc. on their resumes.
If that is the region I would say it's a 50/50 but can be tilted in your favor with robust networking.
All the best,
I see some consistency/formatting issues and non-optimal experience bullet points, but overall it's a reasonable resume (7 or 8 out of 10).
You should be networking a ton and applying to every firm possible.
Let them decide if you're worthy…don't put yourself out of the race yourself!