Hi everyone,
I hope everyone is in good health.
I am currently a strategy consultant (~1.5 years as an associate) at a boutique firm on top of 2 years of experience in industry prior. Recently MBB (SEA) HR reached out to me to discuss about an opportunity at their firm
Some questions:
- Is there anything that I should be aware of/ expect from this call besides opportunity context/ introduction? I rarely heard MBB HR to reach out to someone as junior as me
- What are key questions should I ask to the HR during this call?
- Would it be appropriate to request for overseas placement (once I got the offer) & how feasible is it? reason for that is I am currently in the process of internal transfer to other country's SEA office & if MBB could not provide it from the beginning, I will not bother proceed with the process
Look forward to your advice & opinions. Thank you very much in advance.