For the calculation of the market size using the golf course approach, the information states that 2 balls are lost per game. However the solution seems to focus on the balls lost per player. Can anyone please explain the discrepancy?

Two balls per game or per player?

I see your point.
If during 1 game 2 balls are lost and there are 2 players in the game it means 1 ball lost/player.
I am also wondering why it is not calculated in this way.

I don't understand why you think that there is a descrepancy.
THe logical sequence is:
- Balls lost per game
- Balls lost per playes
- Total number of lost balls
WHy the 2 approaches should be mutually exclusive in your opinion?

So, here you're trying to figure out how many balls are purchased each year. One can assume that the # of balls purchased is the number of balls lost (replenishment rate).
Now let's work backwards:
I know the population of players in Portugal, but now I need to know how many balls this whole population needs. If I get the # of balls lost each year, on average, per player, then I can multiply this by the whole population of players get to total demand.
The # of balls lost each year per player can be found by figuring out # of games played per year times # of balls lost each game.