Hi there,
How to do an extensive market research for stocks for sales and trading in an investment banking interview?
Hi there,
How to do an extensive market research for stocks for sales and trading in an investment banking interview?
Hi there,
Agree with the others. Other platforms would be better suited :)
Adjusting my comment based on the clarification you provided.
In general you want to understand strategy, performance, corporate actions, management track record, and risks (e.g. litigation, complaints etc) both from company and outsiders (customer, analysts etc) perspectives
1. Company filings: aside from their financials, look for exchange filings like prospectuses or circulars that has additional company info if they have done any corporate action recently
2. News: good for up to date info on company rumours, analyst views, litigation etc. Access to platforms like factiva would provide a comprehensive list. University libraries may provide access
3. Industry reports and industry data: on EIU, euromonitor and other industry specific platforms, for macro themes, industry trends, competitive landscapes. Universities may provide access to these
4. Equity reports: Try Thomson One for other equity reports and what other analysts are saying
5. Alternative sources: Depending on business nature, also look at alternative media for a sense of customer sentiment - e.g. brand perception, product reviews etc
Basically it is a DD, without access to management and the site/company.
All the best!
Is this in preparation for interviews/recruiting? I'd check out WallStreetOasis if so - it's a forum just like this one but with advice geared towards the financial sector.
Hi there,
suggest you check out industry-specific resources such as WallstreetOasis or BreakingIntoWallstreet to find qualified answers for your IBD recruting process. Most experts here won't have adquate experience to advise on this.
Wish you all the best!
Regards, Andi
HI there,
as per Benjamin - if it is Equity Research or M&A, I found that Wall Street Oasis or Mergers & Inquisitions portal have paid content that is not bad to prepare.
Hi there!
Experiment with some prompts to give you an overview.
The limitation is the historical data that it's constricted to, but you can also find AI models that use more up-to-date info.
Aside from this, just talk with people and get the pulse of the most important things happening in their industry. Here's how to lead these convos: