I didn't get an invitation to any of the advanced degree summer program. Should I try for FT or not bother this year at all? What can help me score interviews?
Rejected by McKinsey's final round (January 2020) and BCG first round last July (2019)
There is a cool down period (up to 2 years depending on company and region/country). Before it ends I don't think you can re-apply. If in doubt, check with the HRs for clarification.
Regardless, if consulting is your long term goal, take the feedback seriously and improve on those areas in the meantime.
Dear A,
I would recommend you to leave these two companies for a moment, because you are banded there for 12-18months. Afterwards, you can reapply. For instance, I would focus on tier-1, tier-2 firms in order to secure couple of your internships. I would strongly recommend you to apply via your connections in the firms or through referrals.
If you need any help to secure your interview invites, feel free to reach out.
Please check with HR whether you can already re-apply. Most MBB offices will require you to wait 1-2 years before you can apply again. Just make sure that this also applies to the advanced summer degree programs.
Hello there!
Try to make the positive reading: you ALMOST made it twice.
In this cases, the companies themselves ask you to re-apply actually, particularly if you were rejected for intership positions.
To improve your chances I would:
- Try to get a referral - this at least would guarantee you get an interview
- Work on the feedback you got from last time. Have you considered a coach? Maybe is what you need to nailing it.
Hope it helps!
Defintely reapply. Advanced degree summer program can be even more competitive than FT given the very small numer of slots, so don't let the rejection deter you.
Second question is impossible to tell since you have not provided any information about you, your background or feedback you received from McKinsey and BCG. A referral will definitely help you score an interview, but I guess you have already known that.
100% re-apply, but check with HR what the rules are.
To improve your odds:
1) Update your resume (hopefully you have gained more experience/skills)
2) Network (referral will greatly improve your odds)
3) Figure out what you did wrong in those interviews before, and fix it!
Hi there,
if I understood correctly, your previous rejections were for internships. In many countries you can apply again for full time without having to wait for the full ban period, but since this is country-specific I would check with HR or an internal contact.
In terms of what can help you more at this stage to get an invitation, I would invest time in referrals, you can find some suggestions at the link below:
Based on what I have seen, applying so soon after a rejection is not recommended. At best 2 years is a good milestone to aim for. What is more relevant is if there has been a meaningful change in your resume (e.g., getting an MBA or significant professional milestone), those count for more than just time having elapsed. If you do decide to re-apply make sure you have a partner referring you.
All the best,
Hi there,
Sounds like you already have a strong profile since you made it for McK and BCG interviews - there's good news and not so good news:
Not so good news is that it is highly unlikely you can get another interview for another 1.5 years.
The good news: this might be an opportunity in disguise to apply for other consulting companies that you could fall in a love with! (like what happened with me) - I was rejected by McK final rounds 6 years ago ... my friends at Roland Berger helped me get an interview there. I thought i will stay there for 1.5 years and then switch - but I was really happy with the team and culture that I stayed there for 5 years before recently deciding to join Mck after a 6 years break-up :)
Check with your network and friends - see if you might like working (internships or FT) for the runner ups likes OW, Kearny, RB etc. - You will get similar experience as McK and BCG - and if you are still eager on joining the big 2, then you work experience will almost guarantee an interview (and cracking cases would have become your second nature after spending 1-2 years in consulting)
Hope this helps!
The best thing to do is to get a referral. However, as correctly mentioned before, do keep in mind the cooldown period.
Hi there,
I recommend you don't contact these companies for few years and reapply next time with a referral.
All the best,