Dear Community,
From these 3 softwares (Power BI vs Tableau Vs Alteryx), which are most useful skills to have working at MBB ? even just to understand the software in general manner. Thanks so much
Dear Community,
From these 3 softwares (Power BI vs Tableau Vs Alteryx), which are most useful skills to have working at MBB ? even just to understand the software in general manner. Thanks so much
Hi there,
This is indeed an interesting question which is probably relevant for quite a lot of users, so I am happy to provide my perspective on it:
In case you want a more detailed discussion on what to actually prepare before your career entry, please feel free to contact me directly.
I hope this helps,
Hi there,
It's probably a tie between Tableau and Alteryx.
Tableau is far far more useful overall though (in terms of the professional world). It's also much easier to get the hang of (it should only take you a day to start to feel comfortable in it).
Alteryx has a steeper learning curve as it manipulates data in a “mass-effect” sort of way (harder to wrap your head around than excel functions for example).
Probablt Alteryx first and then Tableau. But honestly, you should wait until you need it, as you may not need it at all…
All of them to be honest and this will depend on the project and client. But wait till you have more clarity before investing time & effort to learn.
Power BI has gotten very popular recently as Tableau is expensive. Alteryx is a must have for huge data processing & analysis.
Hello there,
MBB usually use Alteryx to process heavy data cases and Tableau for data visualization.
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