Does the story here need to be one where you are the official leader on the team or can it also be about a time where you had no direct authority (for eg as an intern) but helped motivate and lead a team (indirectly) through a major setback?
PEI inclusive leadership

You do not necessarily need to be in a leadership position in order to exhibit leadership qualities. Guiding, inspiring, motivating, encouraging, empowering, influencing, etc. etc. are just some of the qualities that highlight a good leader.

You absolutely do not have to be in a leadership role. The main crux of inclusive leadership is identifying issues that may have come up due to the team being diverse and taking the initiative to resolve it. Anyone can resolve an issue not just a team lead.

Leadership doesn't always mean you need to manage teams/people over a lengthy period of time. Being a leader does not mean dominating the situation. It means empowering people to do what they would not have imagined possible.ย
You can be an individual contributor but assume leadership role in a situation or event because perhaps you are the person with most knowledge in that situation, or you have previous experience or because no one is stepping up and you did. Or you stepped up and helped someone with something that mattered a lot to them and showed them direction. I hope you get the point.ย

Your story sounds perfectly valid!
In fact, a story where you go above and beyond and step up to the plate outside of your role/mandate, is a great one!

Hey there,
For the inclusive leadership story can either be
- a designated leader, who helps a team perform well
- a natural leader, who steps up to steer a team through a critical situation
For a clear explanation on how to prepare the stories and how to communicate them well, please check out this detailed article I wrote on the PEI:
If you have any questions, reach out! :-)

It can absolutely be the latter - the leadership should come through your actions, not necessarily through a job title. Your example sounds very appropriate.

Yes, absolutely. What really matters is that your story is relevant to show your inclusive leadership skills.