Hello - I am a PhD candidate graduating in 2020, I have 5 years experience in the industry as an engineer from one of the top 3 automotive companies in the US. my GPA is (3.9). I attended a big school but the campus I go to is not a target Campus. I applied to MBB online and targeted small offices in the US (~60-70 consultants offices). and my PhD is in Engineering and my Masters GPA is 3.8 (Engineering too).
I have networked hard, was successful getting calls with 3-4 recruiters, 2 managers and One partner. I got a confirmation from multiple people that my resume is great and my cover letter is too (tho no one reads cover letter, I have heard it from MBB consultants ). and I was applying as ADC for the associate/consultant position.
And yet NO interview invites. After getting rejected I got with the BCG recruiter on the phone and the recruiter literally said: "We got 50% more application from X school (Target campus of the same Univ I go to) this year" which means that the problem is just not beig from a target school !
Any Advises on how to break in? Or Am I supposed to get an MBA on top of my PhD from an Elite school for me to have the chance to be interviewed?
I am actually writing this and laughing like what else could someone do? Thanks !