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Multiple Office Apps

Hello community,

I was wondering what is the best action to apply when the 3 offices of the same MBB to which I'm applying have different recruiting timelines. For instance, some of the offices are recruiting already and have a deadline, and the other doesn't have a start date for opening yet (although it already has a deadline).

The bottom line is that I don't want to miss some of my office preferences' deadline while waiting for the third one to open. If I send all aplications at the same time, does the office with no open process just start reviewing it when they open or does it get lost? Or is there a way to send the applications separately?

Thank you!

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on Sep 03, 2020
Professional full-time coach|50+ happy clients in 12 months|Ex Roland Berger PM & Recruiter|Networking to get interviews

Dear A,

I would recommend you to apply according the deadline to your preferable office. 


on Sep 03, 2020
BCG | Received offers from all MBB & Tier 1Firms | Supporting you secure your top tier consulting offer

Hi there,

The simpled way is to apply as early as possible (go with the earliest deadline you have). All MBBs are recruiting all years long and they will definitely have a look at your CV if you apply a few weeks before the deadline.

Another way to go is to email in charge of university recruiting or lateral hires and ask for recommendations. In general, each office's webpage should have a "contact us" section or the recruiting team's email, so it would not harm to get in touch with them and ask them about this.

All the best in your processes :)


on Sep 03, 2020
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


Stick to the application guidelines of the 1st office of your choice. The rest will consider you only if you don't fit the needs of your first choice


on Sep 10, 2020
McKinsey | NASA | top 10 FT MBA professor for consulting interviews | 6+ years of coaching

Hi, I recommend prioritizing your first choice


on Sep 03, 2020
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi there,

As mentioned in the other comments, your application is considered first for the first option you put. As a consequence, you should consider the deadline for that application as a reference.

The others will receive it if you are not considered a good fit for the first choice, and act accordingly to their own deadlines - so it won’t get lost.



on Sep 03, 2020
Ex-McKinsey final round interviewer | Executive Coach

My advice would be: don't over engineer and focus on your first choice office. It's often a black box as to whether your application will be reviewed by your other choices if you are rejected by your first choice and sometimes, your first choice office will pass you straight onto your other choice offices if they feel you have a better chance there.

If you are a campus candidate (both undergrad and postgrad/MBA), a slight complication is that sometimes the local office/region where your school is will go through your application first (e.g., London office reviewing CVs for UK student applying for Tokyo office). If this applies to you where your first choice is an office in a different geography, I would thoroughly recommend getting in touch with the local recruiter to make sure they are aware of your application. If the MBB recruits at your school, you can get your local campus recruiter, to make the introduction so that you are on their radar!

Good luck!

on Sep 03, 2020
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

To summarize: You top choice with have first dibs. So, if you miss their deadline, it skips them. Alternatively, if they're not look at applications, the other offices will not see your application until they are done.

You cannot send applications seperately unfortunately.

In terms of which office to pick, pick the one that makes the most sense. I.e. the one where they go "ah, makes sense this person is applying here".  1) Have evidence on your resume that you know/understand/can work in the target office country and (ideally) 2) have networked with people in that office. Otherwise you're just another name on the table!

on Sep 04, 2020
BCG |NASA | SDA Bocconi & Cattolica partner | GMAT expert 780/800 score | 200+ students coached


You have to take into consideration that different office of the same MBB have linked recruiting processes. It means that you can not have a second shot in a different office if you don't succeed in the first one, because you will receive a ban.
The good news is that, for this reason, it's quite simple to move among different offices but you should wait a bit of time before asking for a transfer.

That being said, I see two alternatives for you:

  1. Wait for the office that you prefer
  2. Apply for the less competitive office, planning to move in a second moment

Feel free to text me if you want to discuss this further.
Hope it helps,

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