Perform well in redrock (roughly 85%-80% correct) and the new game of Solve (90% site 1 and 100% the other 2 site), but failed the last species in the Ecosystem, I can consider my application done ?
McKinsey Solve

Hi there,
I would be happy to share my thoughts on your question:
- First of all, no one can seriously answer the question of whether or not you will pass the pre-interview assessment phase, especially since there seems to be a "process score" in the McKisney Solve that evaluates your approach.
- Moreover, however, failing to create a sustainable ecosystem in the first game is certainly not great. Fingers crossed that it will still be enough!
You can find more on this topic here: How to deal with a rejection from a consulting company.
If you would like a more detailed discussion on your specific situation, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.

Hey there,
It's difficult (and not healthy) to speculate at this stage really.
Your final score will also depend on your process score which we can't know of now. It sounds like you did well in 2 out of the 3, but no-one can realistically tell you if that is going to be enough or not. Plus, in my experience, candidates usually aren't the best judge of their performance scores too..
Let's wait and hope for the best.

I would be patient to wait for final result. Don't overthink!

Hi there,
It sounds like you did well on most of the Solve assessment, but failing the final species in Ecosystem could still impact your application. McKinsey considers multiple factors beyond Solve, including case interviews and your CV. I recommend reaching out to your recruiter to get clarity on your status.
Good luck!

Hi there,
Q: Can consider my application done?
It seems you did well in at least two of the three games. The score is based on both your process and product scores across all games tested, so you might still be able to pass depending on your exact performance in the Ecosystem game.
Good luck!

Hi there,
Not yet. You don't need a perfect score to move on. There are also other factors (current demand/supply, your resume) that can have an impact.
Keeping my fingers crossed!