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McKinsey PEI: Not work-related story and background explanation?

Hi everyone!

I'm a student in penultimate year of studies that has McKinsey first round soon. I have 2 questions about McKinsey PEI, maybe someone can give me a hint on what is the right way to approach these issues:

1) The stories that I'm expected to tell, should they be all career/study/extracurricular related? E.g. if I have a story (that I'm actually quite proud of) how I over 2 weeks was persuading one of my friends to seek medical attention for issue he was neglecting, and actually it turned to be quite life-changing for him - would such story make a good "Personal impact - tell us about some instance when you changed a person's mind", or I should prepare solely career-related stories?

2) I come from somewhat non-trivial background (went to business after media), and expect it to be confusing for the interviewer just from the resume. I'm expecting a "tell us about yourself" question where I'd briefly guide the interviewers through my career path and reasons behind it. However, can this part be similar for all of the 3 interviews in first round? I know that leadership/impact/etc. stories should be different, but what about this background-explaining story?

Thank you!

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on May 26, 2019
I will get you an offer|McKinsey Senior EM|Offers from MBB|100+ interviews at McKinsey|Recruiting Lead|Experienced hire

Hi Olegs,

1) If you have an option, work story is more relatable than non-work story, and is a safer route. But if you really have a great non-work story, go for it. 2 things about the PEIs - a) It's always about the delivery. You should be top-down so the interviewer can let you know early on if they want to change the story and b) It's not about the 'what', but the 'why'. You need to spend time explaining why this was a great leadership/personal impact story for you. For instance, someone saving $10K for their company can have a much better answer than someone who saved $5M

2) This should be the same. Having a structured and genuine 'Walk me through your resume' is important and having multiple versions just makes it more confusing. 

Hope this helps!


on May 25, 2019
McKinsey offers w/o final round interviews - 100% risk-free - 10+ years MBB coaching experience - Multiple book author

Hi Olegs,

Generally speaking, work-related stories are easier to translate into the consulting world than non-work related stories. All other factors being equal I recommend going for the work-related story. In your situation however, assuming that this one non work-related story is much stronger than all other stories, I don't see an issue at all in using this private context.

That being said, you need to make sure that there is a strong underlying conflicting interest in the beginning and how to communicate this clearly to the interviewer. Without conflicting interest, there is no point in demonstrating how to convince somebody, since the other person doesn't have a contradictory opinion which makes him hard to convince (and your interviewer won't be interested in a situation in which it was easy to convince somebody).

Concerning your 2nd question: Yes, apart from the PEI, McKinsey interviewers typically want to understand much more about the candidate including his background. Here it's important to highlight how all your steps in your CV are connected to each other strategically, pointing into the direction of consulting.

Hope that helps as a first step! Occassionally I also have some slots for coaching sessions - ofc we can discuss your situation and how to the best structure and communicate your PEI stories in much more detail; just send me a message if required.


on Mar 31, 2024
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

1) Diverse is ideal. Bring stories from different areas of your life.

2) Careful not to approach this with a chip on your shoulder i.e., having to compensate for how your career or path looked like until now. Whatever you settle for in the tell me about yourself can be used for all the interviewers. 

For anyone else who is preparing for the PEI component, I've created a video course with my 6-step storytelling framework that has helped my candidates get distinctive feedback on the McKinsey PEI. You can find out more about it here:


Deleted user
on May 11, 2020

Dear A,

The fit questions in these interviews are really about story telling. Of course, you will get the typical questions like: Why do you want to be a consultant? Why do you want to work at this firm?

The part the differentiates you will be the “tell me about a time” questions that inevitably take up a large portion of the interviews at these firms. The better you are at telling your stories, the better off you’ll be. And I recommend to make these stories both work related and lifestyle in order to show your skills of being a leader, team player and problem solving person. 

Just remember that answering to any questions like this is your chance to shine and prove your leadership skills. Actually, any stories that you mention in your answer can highlight your best abilities. For that you can follow common framework in answering any questions. It consists of 5 parts:

1. Situation

2. Problem

3. Solution

4. Results 

5. Your learnings

Hope, it helps.


on May 11, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


On top of the insights already shared in the post, next week will be pusblished in PrepLounge´s Shop material related.

In concrete, the "Integrated FIT guide for MBB". It provides an end-to-end preparation for all three MBB interviews, tackling each firms particularities and combining key concepts review and a hands-on methodology. Following the book, the candidate will prepare his/her stories by practicing with over 50 real questions and leveraging special frameworks and worksheets that guide step-by-step, developed by the author and her experience as a Master in Management professor and coach. Finally, as further guidance, the guide encompasses over 20 examples from real candidates.

Here I leave you the link >

Feel free to PM me for disccount codes!

Hope you find it useful!



on May 26, 2019
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


1) Better to have both career and non-career related. The more experience you have the more they expect if to be career related. They can also say "This story does not fit. Do you have another one?"So better mitigate the risks

2) The story about yourself can be the same. Actually, if both interviewers ask you about leadership - you can tell both the same story. No issue here


on May 31, 2019
BCG | Kellogg MBA |82% Success rate| 450+ case interview| 5+ year consulting | 30+ projects in ~10 countries

Hi Oleg,

1- You can have both types of stories. Quality of the story is also an important factor. I would recommend to choose mostly work related ones.

2- You do not need to change this part.


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