Hey all,
I was wondering if any of you could give some examples for good “Inclusive Leadership” stories for McKinsey's PEI.
Hey all,
I was wondering if any of you could give some examples for good “Inclusive Leadership” stories for McKinsey's PEI.
Hey there,
For a McKinsey Inclusive Leadership story, the interviewer will ask you about a situation where you led a team through a challenging time to achieve a certain goal. For this dimension, you need to show that you ...
Overall, showcase that your presence as a team leader had a positive impact on the team and lead to a strong outcome of a particular project or task.
You do not need to be an official leader. What is important is that you create an environment that allows for strong collaboration and problem-solving among the team members, bringing out each individual's strengths.
I have written an article on the topic that goes into a bit more detail here: https://www.preplounge.com/mckinsey-pei
The article also covers an Inclusive Leadership example story.
An inclusive leadership story has three elements at its core
Think of scenarios that fit the above story types (there are many many examples of how certain people are different to others) and you will be fine.
Hi there,
Let's teach you how to fish :)
Hi there,
Being asked for a leadership story you should focus on your best experience leading a team (of any size), either on a personal or professional situation. Keys here:
I hope this helps.
Check out my latest case based on a real MBB interview: Sierra Springs
If you're looking for a deep dive into this, I've put together a course that explains all the dimensions, provides audio recordings of stories told during successful McKinsey interviews and the most common questions that appear for each dimension:
A few thoughts:
So for inclusive leadership I recommend that you think about how you have led a team - either formally or informally - to achieve a challenging goal. You want to think about how you brought the people into the team, how you divided the tasks, managed the process and what the outcome was.
The focus is on how you interacted with the people on the team - so I recommend that you think in depth about that.
Good luck!