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McKinsey PEI Entrpreneurial Drive

Hello everyone,

While preparing for McKinsey`s PEI part I have come across two slightly different definitions of Entrepreneurial Drive. In McKinsey`s website the definition “Talk about a time when you had to work to achieve something in a limited period of time that was outside your comfort zone.” which seems more to be on the Drive side. However, in McKinsey`s Recruiting podcast they were talking of Entrepreneurial Drive as taking the initiative (doing something beyond your job description e.g. seeing an inefficiency in how the organization works) and working on that (more on the entrepreneurship side). My question would be if Entrepreneurial Drive has a broad definition and if both approaches would fit?

Thanks in advance! 

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on Sep 08, 2021
1400 5-star reviews across platforms | 600+ offers | Highest-rated case book on Amazon | Uni lecturer in US, Asia, EU

Hey there,

Both target the same dimension with the same evaluation metrics behind them.

If you want to know more about the 3 dimensions, potential content ideas, and how to communicate the stories most effectively, read this in-depth article about the PEI, that clears up a lot of misconceptions that are floating around online:



Deleted user
on Sep 08, 2021


I think both of those definitions get at the same qualities - taking initiative, figuring out how to do some task outside of your comfort zone rather than following a blueprint, being creative and hardworking in your approach. I tend to view Entrepreneurial Drive as basically synonymous with taking initiative, if that's easier. But to answer your question, both approaches would fit.

on Sep 08, 2021
Top rated Case & PEI coach/Multiple real offers/McKinsey EM in New York /12 years recruiting experience

Great question!

In order to have a good answer to entrepreneurial drive, your story should ideally fulfill the following criteria :


  • It should be a challenging problem - The emphasis here is on both the nature of the problem that makes it tough and your creative approach to solving the tough problem
    • Ensure that the problem is indeed tough – some of the characteristics of such a problem include
      • Has not been solved before in the same environment (cannot just copy paste a solution)
      • Typically requires multiple people to be solved 
      • Typically requires a lot of time to be solved
      • May require many different teams to work together
  • It needs to show that you are independently driven – i.e., not relying on a manager/external source to ask you to do a task but doing it because it needs to get done
    • This is where the element of taking the initiative comes in. I always encourage people that in their entrepreneurial drive stories, they do not talk about solving a problem they have been told to solve but to think about when they have noticed an existing problem (others can also have noticed the same problem) and how they went about solving it.

Feel free to PM me with any questions, I have helped many candidates refine their PEI stories to the level expected by McKinsey.



on Sep 08, 2021
Ex-McKinsey & Kearney | Extensive MBB coaching experience | Expert in interviewee/er-led cases


Both definitions are the same. What a recruiter wants to understand is your “drive”. The main question the he is trying to solve for is: "if this candidate is in my team and I give him a task, will he:

  • Only do the task without thinking about it - bad answer
  • Understand the hypothesis that the team is trying to prove, perform the task / analysis, add some thinking on what extra analysis is needed, potentially what additional dataset is missing and who could have it - good candidate



on Sep 08, 2021
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

It's both!

Please be careful here…the odds that you get asked either of those questions is low!

Remember that the Entrepreneurial Drive category is a category. There are dozens of questions they might ask.

Learn to be flexible in your answer….you can't predict the question but you can learn to react/adapt to any question that comes your way!

on Sep 08, 2021
McKinsey | NASA | top 10 FT MBA professor for consulting interviews | 6+ years of coaching


I see the Entrepreneurial Drive in both questions. 

I would suggest preparing 2-3 stories in this category and then tailor them to the specific question you get (i.e. to the specific shade of Entrepreneurial Drive of the question).

Hope this helps.



on Mar 31, 2024
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Both work. The two definitions are complementary, one focusing on developing the ‘entrepreneurial’ component, and the other one the ‘drive’. 

For anyone else who is preparing for the PEI component, I've created a video course with my 6-step storytelling framework that has helped my candidates get distinctive feedback on the McKinsey PEI. You can find out more about it here:


on Sep 30, 2023
Ex-McKinsey Partner | Most experienced coach (15 years exp, +2.000 real interviews) | 95% success rate

If you want to shine on your entrepreneurship PEI stories I recommend you focus on showing:

  • How you can drive change outside of your immediate area of influence
  • How you can take fast 80/20 decisions
  • How you set up challenging goals to achieve
  • How you come up with new a creative ideas and execute them
  • How you push to achieve something not very common

I hope this helps.



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