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McKinsey hinting at offer withdrawl due to technicality with student status- Help

Wanted to get some input as my McKinsey recruiter shared some unsettling news with me this morning.

I'm an advanced degree candidate in the U.S (M.D/ PhD) who applied this cycle through their summer bridge programs. Was very fortunate to receive both a BCG and McKinsey FT offer for the same city. I graduated from graduate school last year with my degree, and was pursuing a postdoc while I attended McKinsey Insight/ submitted my application for full-time during mid-April this year. 

However, due to various factors I resigned from my postdoc during middle of May. I previously contacted an ADC recruiter for McKinsey that I knew regarding the situation, and they mentioned that it won't be an issue as I submitted my application and attended Insight in April during my postdoc aka was student status. However, after I got the offer last Friday, the office recruiter (separate person) called me today and mentioned that there might be an issue due to me not being a postdoc during the full-time application deadline which was 6/7. However, I was not aware of this at all as McKinsey never mentioned online that it would be an issue. The only hard requirements listed online was that I had to be an active postdoc when I attended Insight/ submitted my full-time application which I was. Now the recruiter is stating that they will need to talk to their manager then circle back to me.

As mentioned, I was very fortunate to have a BCG cross offer for the same city and they do not care about active student status (I fulfilled their criteria by being less than 3 years out of grad school for ADC). I'm not that set on McKinsey currently as I loved the BCG people I interacted with, but if I still want the McKinsey offer what should I do? Should I leverage my BCG offer somehow/ who should I contact?

Edit: Resolved! They converted my status but still gave me an offer.

Thank you all for the help!


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on Aug 20, 2024
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Glad it sorted itself out!

All the best,


10 hrs ago
#1 recommended coach | >95% success rate | most experience in consulting, interviewing, and coaching

Hi there,

First of all, congratulations on the McKinsey offer!

I see that your issue was resolved already.



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