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McKinsey Full-Time After BCG Internship?

Hi! I was wondering what the possibility of doing a BCG internship to then go for McKinsey full time the following year? Is it looked down upon to be switching MBBs? Also would a BCG return offer be extended with a deadline before I would get a McKinsey decision?

I know people are going to ask why I would want to make the switch. Part of it is that I want to travel internationally and part of it is parental pressure to go for the prestige. I am grateful for everything, but would just want all the information. Thank you in advance! I’m 

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on Mar 28, 2024
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

You probably don't want to hear this, but:

1. In consulting, you don't ‘travel’. You rather go there for work. On most projects, unless you spend time over the weekend, you see next to nothing. 

2. The earlier you start identifying your needs, rather than following the expectations of those around you, the better off you'll be. Otherwise, especially since you're about to enter the MBB world, you have a painful ride ahead of you. 

On to your questions:

No, it's not frowned upon to switch firms. Especially when you're just at the beginning. 

In terms of the deadline for responding to the offer, this depends a lot on the geography and the hiring needs there at that time, so it's virtually impossible to tell whether you could postpone one answer to hear from the other. 

Sharing with you here a couple of resources to set you on the way for MBB life:

Best of luck and enjoy!

on Mar 28, 2024
1400 5-star reviews across platforms | 600+ offers | Highest-rated case book on Amazon | Uni lecturer in US, Asia, EU

Hi there,

1. It's quite a common occurrence and by no means out of the ordinary as long as you pass the McKinsey recruiting process (check LinkedIn for similar profiles).

2. You should get the BCG return offer immediately at the end or shortly after your internship.

Prepare well for the McK process as it's a bit different and reach out if you need help!

A bit more info for your prep:

All the best,


on Mar 29, 2024
Roland Berger|Project Manager and Recruiter|7+ years of consulting experience in USA and Europe

Hi there,

in terms of prestige, there is no difference between McK and BCG. In terms of projects, they both serve blue chip clients internationally and have a strong footprint worldwide.

Unless you end up hating the BCG culture during your internship, there is really no reason to not take the return offer if you get one. Sure, you can still apply to McK if you really want to exhaust each avenue, but the underlying reasons you listed for wanting to do that are not good reasons.

Consulting travel will take you to some remote locations in the boonies more often than not, especially if you end up working in the operational area. And even if you get to go to a bigger city, you will see the client facilities and your hotel room - because you are there to work and will be expected to work. 
Secondly, if you want to succeed in consulting then you have to start practicing by standing your ground when it comes to parental pressure. If you can’t do that, then how will you be able to hold your own in front of company executives?


on Mar 28, 2024
Top rated Case & PEI coach/Multiple real offers/McKinsey EM in New York /12 years recruiting experience

It's not very common but yes it can happen. You will face timeline issues but if you're very keen on McKinsey you can reach out to them after your BCG internship let them know you have an offer and ask if you can work with them assuming they are interested in your candidacy. 

Realistically in this market it's going to be hard to switch as most firms are going to fill up their class sizes using the internship. 

One last thing to consider - in terms of prestige there's 0 difference between McKinsey and BCG especially when you apply for jobs post your MBB gig. 

All the best,


edited on Mar 28, 2024
Bain | EY-Parthenon | Former Principal | 1.5h session | 30% discount 1st session

1. It's not looked down upon but… you'll need to explain why you want to change. And “prestige” is not a good answer. They may also doubt you have an offer, or that the internship went well. It's a comparable firm, so you usually don't change if you had a good experience…

2. Regarding timelines, yes, there may be an issue. You have to try to accellerate Mck process

3. Travel internationally… it doesn't really make a difference, particularly at the analyst level. Unless you realize you are in an office where you don't travel (and for some reason in the Mckinsey office it is different… and probably it is not) there's no reason to change.

By the way, I second Christian… travel is not always a plus. Being staffed in another office, and therefore avoiding the travelling but staying abroad is the real thing.

on Mar 29, 2024
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success: ➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi there,

1) I was wondering what the possibility of doing a BCG internship to then go for McKinsey full time the following year? Is it looked down upon to be switching MBBs?

I don’t think there are particular issues, although at McKinsey they will most likely ask you why you want to switch.

2) Also would a BCG return offer be extended with a deadline before I would get a McKinsey decision? 

Unless you complete the process with McKinsey before the end of the internship, you will most likely get the BCG offer before the McKinsey one (they should let you know before the end of the internship). 

Good luck!


on Mar 29, 2024
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

Please do remember BCG is not far off in terms of prestige and also has international work.

Regardless, it's actually looked at “positively”. You have a seal of approval by getting an internship. McKinsey would see that and be intrigued.

In terms of timing, it'll depend on how it all plays out - but you make be able to delay the offer decision and accelerate the McKinsey interviews.

on Mar 31, 2024
Ex-BCG Principal | 8+ years consulting experience in SEA | BCG top interviewer & top performer


This is definitely possible. Some interviewers -may- have a question around why you weren't converted at BCG, but to me I think that is not a difficult question to address assuming you land the interview. 

On travel - this really depends on the system/unit. For example in SEA, practically alot of people stay within SEA, so good to check on the nuances of your specific office. 

on Mar 29, 2024
Case Coach | Bain & Company | PwC M&A Deals Advisory | INSEAD MBA | SG & SEA

Hi there,

I do not think it will matter as long as you give Mck a reasonable answer while interviewing. Hope it helps and best of luck.


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