Does anyone have any tips or insights into how to structure their strategies for this new test?
thanks a lot in advance!
Does anyone have any tips or insights into how to structure their strategies for this new test?
thanks a lot in advance!
Hi Sally,
This is probably too late for you, but hopefully useful for someone else.
I did an in-depth study on the Imbellus. Most of the comments I found online are something like this:
Not sure what you think, but I don’t believe that’s very useful. Nor did the several people I coached who had to do the test.
So I worked hard with the candidates that actually did the test and created a guide with everything you need to know on the Imbellus.
This guide will:
This guide will cover every single part of the Game, so you can be 100% confident the day of the assessment, without worrying “I should have prepared better for this”. You won’t need any additional material to prepare after it.
You can download the guide instantly here:
As an extra bonus, I am offering for a limited time the Consulting Industry Cheat Sheet (worth $29) for free with the guide. You will get access to key insights of the 17 most common industries in case interviews.
If you need additional support or have any questions on the guide please feel free to PM me, I am happy to provide extra tips for free.
The goal of the Mckinsey Digital Assessment is to evaluate how you think, approach problems, and make decisions. There is no business background or knowledge needed. It assesses the process, not just the answer. That's why this test produces a "Process Score" as well as a "Product Score".
Few Tips:
Basically, the skills required to perform a case interview.
Dear A,
It's gamplified test. So no way to prepare for it. Consist of 2 parts - balancing ecosystem and defensing.
You will be given 1 hour to make your test. To get more information, ust keep in mind following tips for the Digital Assessment.
Focus on the process
Follow time tracking. It is easy to get lost in the details and the sheer complexity of information overload the test presents.
Look into the key skills that are being assessed by Imbellus and if you find any weaknesses - then work on them in advance.
Get ready to make 80/20 decisions based on incomplete information. Likely you won’t reach the best answer within 60 minutes, however, you should reach a good answer, demonstrating a clever problem-solving strategy along the way.
Take notes of your observations on the mechanics of each scenario so that you can analyze it.
Get comfortable to calculate with pen and paper math.
Also, you can find some guidance from my colleagues coaches on preparation to Imbellus test here on a PrepLounge.
Hope it helps,
Yes, shoot me a message!