Hello everybody!
I have a PhD in computational acoustics and plan to apply to McKinsey for the associate position. However, I got curious when I saw that the office I am interested in is also looking for a data engineer - so I would like to have some information about this role.
From the description, this role seems a consultant specialized in digital problems - basically merging a consultant and a classic data engineer in a single function. Did I get it right?
Also, I would like to understand:
- how is the salary compared to a classic consultant?
- what is the career path? can a person end up being a partner?
- consultants often work with senior managers (up to board level) of the clients; is it the same for data engineers?
- what about working hours and lifestyle - are they the same as a classic consultant?
EDIT: Also, are the career opportunities similar? Up to which point?
EDIT 2: this is the role: https://www.mckinsey.com/careers/search-jobs/jobs/dataengineerfulltimeallsenioritylevels-quantumblack-42360?rid=aat-apmo-ai-agg-c2-to-ee-cbd-10-25-2020&appsource=CareersBlogNewsletter&hlkid=81dbb1dbe93249fb8d621751dff9a4de&hctky=13156086&hdpid=34b90190-b688-476b-9f84-63bf65781667
Many thanks! :)