I will soon start my career at Mckinsey as Business Analyst. Initially I had to start in Moscow office but due to recent events I need to choose another one.
Restricted offices are: US, Dubai, New Zealand and Switzerland. So except these countries I can choose any one.
I am interested in Digital (Web 3, blockchain and etc), Start ups, Venture Capitals and maybe Sustainability, not interested in Public sector, Oil&Gas.
Also crucial factors are:
- Salary/bonuses (for example, London isn't attractive for BAs due to average/low salary and high working hours)
- Speed of promotions (heard that in Middle East it's faster but don't know in what extend)
- Exit opportunities (maybe in 2-3 years and would be great to join start up)
Looking forward for any advice and insights.
P.S. I am woman, maybe it will also affect.