Please can you guys weigh in with your BEST opinions on the list of Tier 1 Management Consulting firms versus Tier 2? And also Tier 3?
Most people agree that MBB is Tier 1, but that is where the agreement ends. Some people think Tier 1 is ONLY composed of MBB; some say MBB plus 3 or 4 additional firms makes up Tier 1. Some people insist that the Consulting practices of the Big 4 Advisory firms are all Tier 2 and can never be considered Tier 1.
I'm genuinely curious and would love to see your lists by Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3. It would also be interesting to see you include your criteria on these lists if you like. Obviously, this is subjective so please don't hold back on your opinions for fear of upsetting the apple cart. 😁