I’m currently contemplating MBB offers, but the complication is that they carry a steep opportunity cost as I am coming from an attending role (in a field like cardiology/dermatology).
I have a top tier but non-HSW MD/MBA and have no significant management, investing, or startup experience.
I find the attending job moderately interesting, but would in the long term like the ability to split my time 60/40 between clinical medicine and something more strategic.
I see my time at an MBB falling into one of the three scenarios from most to least likely:
Scenario 1 - It’s not for me, and I leave after 12 months to return to clinical medicine (~60% odds?)
Scenario 2 - I stay for 3 - 4 years, reaching EM/PL/SM, and then going to a non-clinical exit (~30% odds)
Scenario 3 - I unearth a hidden talent and stay for the long haul (say 10% odds).
Any opinions on the value of 12 months at an MBB in this case? It’s not the plan to leave early, but nevertheless objectively the most likely outcome. Examples / specific stories that you know would be great. I gather that the consensus is that 12 months is normally not enough to achieve a good “exit”, but here the goal is more a skill-set and connections to open up interesting options where I already have industry knowledge.