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I would like to get your opinions and advice! 

Previously, I posted about how I failed McKinsey two times and am feeling the pressure of age, but many of you encouraged me, for which I am truly grateful. For your information, I am 33 years old with 2 master's degree and 7 years of work experience (not in consulting).

I have been reflecting a lot on my career lately and have been speaking to numerous people in the consulting industry. Here are my current situation and thoughts:

Bain: I spoke to a Bain Partner who handles recruiting, and he mentioned that they usually prefer candidates with a consulting background, except for entry-level positions. Therefore, I believe I shouldn't pursue opportunities at Bain. Additionally, although I usually pass the CV screening for McKinsey and BCG, I was rejected at the CV screening stage for Bain. So what he told me is really true.

BCG: I applied two years ago but didn't pass the online case assessment. Recently, a friend referred me, and I completed the Pymetrics test two weeks ago. I'm unsure if I'll still need to do another online case assessment or if Pymetrics is the only test required. Also, how long does it typically take to hear back from them after the Pymetrics test?

McKinsey: I've failed twice before: once at the first interview stage and once with Imbellus. I'm currently on a ban period, which ends in August 2024. I had the opportunity to speak to a senior partner about my previous failures, and he suggested that failing twice might indicate I'm not suited for consulting, which has led me to reconsider my options. Consequently, I've applied for a Knowledge Analyst position and have a TEI interview scheduled in two days. I've read posts from others in a similar situation who aspire to transition from a knowledge analyst role to management consulting. However, many people suggest this transition is unlikely or rare, and that the knowledge analyst role is primarily a back-office position and not as prestigious as a consultant. While I haven't secured the job yet, I'm concerned given the discouragement from others regarding the knowledge analyst role.

For the KA position, I still need to undergo three case interviews. When I interviewed for an Associate position, I was given six months to prepare, but for the Knowledge Analyst role, HR informed me that the entire process (four interviews) would be completed within one month. I recall the difficulty of my previous case interviews, but during a coaching session with a Knowledge Analyst, the case he presented, which he mentioned was from his final interview, seemed less challenging. Can I expect relatively easier cases during this process compared to those for management consultant roles?

My final question concerns the salary range for a Knowledge Analyst in the GCC office, as many people have warned that it is quite low.

Thank you in advance!

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on Feb 12, 2024
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Wow. Sorry to hear about all. You received a lot of discouraging feedback. 

Look, from my point of view, nobody is born a consultant. There is no such thing as ‘not suited to be a consultant’. You might be suitable to become a top theoretical physicist, but you can definitely become a consultant. Believe me; I've seen way too many cases of personal transformations from people you would've never thought would make it in consulting. 

Top-down; I see two problems in your situation.

1. You didn't have a good application strategy. You didn't apply to enough roles. You didn't have a strong enough application (CV, CL, referrals). You didn't prepare sufficiently for the tests and the interviews. 

2. You're not there with your interview skill level. You didn't work sufficiently on the feedback provided from previous failures.

Obviously, these are outside-in assessments since I don't know your situation in detail, so I apologise if this is too presumptuous. 

Now, specifically on the firms that you mentioned.

Bain: disregard what the Partner said. I know and have also coached people without a consulting background to get into Bain. If he thinks that, ideally, you have a consulting background to get into Bain, that doesn't mean it's a Bain-wide recruiting criteria (because it's not). 

McK: rejected twice? I know people who got in on the third go. I even once met a Partner on a project who said it took him 3 tries to get in. Being rejected means that you need to try again, not that you don't have the special dust to become a McK consultant. 

KA: Don't apply for KA roles if you don't want to be a KA. 

BCG: Check this question with the recruiter. The process differs across regions and roles, so I don't want to provide incorrect advice. 

Sharing with you here a guide on how to build an application strategy: 

And another two on how to do networking before you actually apply:

Reach out with questions, and happy to provide further advice. But don't give up, buddy, please don't. 


on Feb 12, 2024
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

First of all, glad we've been able to help!

Second, please get coaching…

You've failed twice. You're trying to “go it alone” again. Einstein once said insanity is doing the same thing and expecting differently results.

From the way you're writing/asking questions, I can see that you're a bit scattered/untargeted and, critically, not clear/concise in communication. I could answer your exact questions (and I will), but it honestly won't help much as I truly think what you need is a fundamental mindset shift and dedicated tailored coaching across the journey.

Please read this: The Most Common Pitfalls in Case Interview Preparation

How to Shift Your Mindset to Ace the Case

=============Your Questions (May have missed some, but questions weren't clearly laid out)================

I'm unsure if I'll still need to do another online case assessment or if Pymetrics is the only test required. 

It's likely you'll have to do the Casey Chatbot

Also, how long does it typically take to hear back from them after the Pymetrics test?

Could be as quick as a couple of days, or even a few months. The average is a few weeks

Can I expect relatively easier cases during this process compared to those for management consultant roles?

Definitely not.

My final question concerns the salary range for a Knowledge Analyst in the GCC office, as many people have warned that it is quite low.

Not really a question - what's the ask here?

on Feb 11, 2024
Top rated Case & PEI coach/Multiple real offers/McKinsey EM in New York /12 years recruiting experience

You will get a lot of tips on how to prepare for these interviews. Reading what you have written, I am wondering if consulting is the right path for you? It is not clear to me why you want to go into consulting and as rosy as it might look from the outside, it can also be a terrible decision for some people.

The interview process is designed in many ways to pick people that enjoy the process of what a consulting assignment might be like. It sounds like the interview process is very stressful for you even after all these years of preparation. Now of course you can still prepare hard and get in as many people do, but it might be worth asking why you truly believe consulting is the right path for your career vs many other great options out there.

on Feb 21, 2024
Completing the Pymetrics test is a positive step forward, and it's encouraging when a friend recommends it to you. The specific assessment process may vary, so it's best to contact BCG's recruitment team to clarify whether you need to undertake another online case assessment. Regarding the time frame, it is difficult to give an exact estimate to receive a response from the company after the Pymetrics test, as basket random can change depending on their internal processes and the number of applications they receive.
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