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Maintaining fitness on the job


To those of you who have worked at MBB, did you find that you had enough time/willpower to consistently adhere to a strength training and diet plan?


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on Oct 13, 2023
Ex-BCG Principal | 8+ years consulting experience in SEA | BCG top interviewer & top performer


This is a great question and definitely relevant to anyone who is consulting. Sharing my perspective having worked in consulting for ~9 years.

I think for most people, the intention/willpower is there, but not the time. Here are a couple of things that helped me at least maintain some sort of a regime.

  • Being able to fight for your time
    • You have to stand up for your personal time, otherwise no one else will
    • Having upfront discussions with case leadership and making sure those agreements are held to throughout the case is important
  • Being able to prioritize at work
    • While work always comes first, if you are able to say “Ok, this slide can wait till tomorrow” - you will have that extra 30mins to squeeze in a workout
  • Being flexible (in your goals and methods)
    • I think its practically impossible to be super strict on a regime given the demands of the job
    • Flexibility is key, meaning that if you can adopt the mindset of “I am going to do whatever fits my constraints” this really helps on being sustainable
    • E.g. being okay to do calisthenics when you don't have time to head to the gym
    • E.g. being okay to do a short HIIT run instead of a full gym session

Hope this helps others on the job!

on Mar 20, 2019
I will get you an offer|McKinsey Senior EM|Offers from MBB|100+ interviews at McKinsey|Recruiting Lead|Experienced hire


It was tough for me at first. But then, I started setting realistic goals and had discussions with my Team Leaders in the Team Learning exercise (Most teams in McKinsey have a Team Learning in Week 1 to understand work preferences - morning/night person, things they want to get out of study, etc.)

My goal was to exercise 2 out of the 4 days at the client site. I would choose my days around important meetings like steerco. Panic buttons, if any, are usually hit only the night before the important meetings. If my next day was relatively clear, getting a workout in was not difficult

Diet is tougher. You have to be careful. Make sure that the team room snacks have healthy options. I would do a Whole Foods/Target run on Monday each week to get my ration of healthy food - greek yogurt, trail mix, etc. 1-2 unhealthy meals with teams and clients per week is expected, but if you can limit yourself to those, you've done a good job.

Hope this helps!


on Mar 19, 2019
Collected McKinsey & BCG offers/ Ex-McKinsey consultant/Harvard/WBS/MSU

Hi A,

To be honest, it all depends on projects and leadership. During 70-80h per week it might be difficult for you to follow the consistent diet and fitness plan. However there is a solution - talk to leadership at the beginning of each project that you want to do sports at least 2 times per week in the evening.

For projects under 70h per week, you will find time for sport.
As for a diet - bringing food from home/ordering some prepared meals for the week will help to follow a diet.

I hope it was helpful.

Kind regards,

on Mar 18, 2019
Ex-MBB, Experienced Hire; I will teach you not only the how, but also the why of case interviews

Diet will be hard at first (so much amazing food available, always free...) but you can get back to it quickly. Fitness isn't hard enough (just get into a rythm, "I go for a run every evening when I come back to my hotel).
Strength training however... a bit harder. You can obviously do maintenance during the week + solid workouts on the weekend. I managed to stay reasonably fit & strong during my time at BCG, and even did a few 12 hour events during my tenure. It is all a matter of scheduling and focus. You can definitely do it, just don't expect to "improve" during that time.

on Mar 18, 2019

My experience at McKinsey was not conducive to a healthy lifestyle. Client type can be determinant. My only lunch options were often from vending machines, dinners often only chain food available. But even when working in areas with better food options, I was not one of the few who had the energy to consistently exercise while also putting in 12-16 hour days whenever at the client site. If you work hard on weekends, maintaining is definitely reasonably possible, but consistent gains would be a challenge.

on Mar 19, 2019

During the weekends you can manage to do 90 min per day of gym/running. It's difficult because you will be tired however You will have the time if you have the will and determination.

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