Hi, I recently secured a referral from a contact at LEK (US), and he told me he had submitted my resume last week. However, I haven't received any referral email or application link yet, which I've usually received when applying via referrals to other firms. I plan to reach out to my LEK contact this week, but before I pester him again, how does LEK's referral system work? Should I expect an application link, or will HR directly call/contact me if they like my resume? Thanks!
L.E.K - Referral Process?

You typically receive an automated email.
I would pester the referee but reach out directly to HR to tell them that somebody has submitted a referral in your name and that you'd like to apply but haven't received the link yet.
That's about it.
And good job on getting the referral!

Hi there,
Q: Should I expect an application link, or will HR directly call/contact me if they like my resume?
The process depends on the firm and country. You might have to:
- Add the name of the person who is referring you in the application form or
- Send your CV to that person, who will then forward it to HR, or
- Use a specific link they will share
In your case, you can reach out to HR to ask for clarification about the next steps.
Good luck!

Hi there,
congrats on getting the referral.
You either get a link if it's done through a system or HR will reach out to you directly if it is a more manual process.
I would probably just reach out to the person who referred you and tell them that you were wondering about next steps since you haven't heard back yet. Then you can clarify how that exact process is supposed to work and whether or not you should reach out directly to HR for a further follow-up.
Best of luck