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Leaving MBB at 18 Months

Hey all,

I've recently received a really interesting exit opportunity to a tier-1 prop trading firm (not an arcade, think Virtu, Akuna, IMC), in a trading role.

I'm only 18 months into my MBB career (technically it's only 16.5 months - started mid-month and the role would require me to leave early in the month).

This is a really unconventional exit. Upside is the potential to earn outrageous amounts of money and do what I'm really passionate about. Downside is that I could well be unemployed in 6 months since trading is extremely competitive and your P&L is your performance. 

I'm not interested in typical PE or corp strat exits. I may be interested in exiting into tech, startups, or founding one, but I don't know how much more value an extra 6 months at MBB would give me for these industries.

My heart says I should leave. Should I?

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on Mar 28, 2021
Ex-McKinsey final round interviewer | Executive Coach

Yes, you should absolutely leave now to take on what you say is your passion! An extra 6 months in terms of duration will make no difference in terms of how your profile is perceived externally. The only marginal difference is perhaps a promotion which is typically an universal way for people to judge your performance.

Anonymous B
on Mar 28, 2021
Great answer Ken.
on Mar 28, 2021

Agree - staying a bit longer is not a massive change in your profile and won't add much value. The one other thing to keep in mind to manage your risk might be to keep the door open. Depending on your relationships in your office, you could (a) either do an externship to test the waters and quit if it turns out to be the right move, or (b) discuss with the partners in your office whether you could come back if this turns out not to be successful. I've seen both paths by former colleagues.

That way you'd avoid being unemployed in 6 months if you're not successful in the new job.

on Mar 28, 2021
Ex BCG Principal | INSEAD | 10 yrs in consulting | Interviewed >200 Career Switchers, MBAs, Undergrads in Europe and USA

As the other answers suggest, given your circumstances you should seize the opportunity and leave. 6 additional months in the role wouldn't add much to you or your resume. Moreover, it seems to me that you have kind of already made up your mind and you are trying to get some confirmation and support for your already taken decision.

If your performance in the current company is solid you will easily have the chance to come back if things go south in your new career. Just talk openly to the partner you are closest to and explain to him that for you this is a great opportunity but you also love your work in your company. If the relationship with your partner is good, I guess he will be supportive and will appreciate your openess.

Hope it helps, good luck whatever choice you will make!


on Mar 28, 2021
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

I promise you it's ok to leave now if that's what you want!

I left at the 18 month mark (had an offer for a data consulting company I was really interested in). I can assure you that no doors have been shut and I pretty much get the work I want now!

If your heart is telling you that this is what you want to do, then do will still be employable if this doesn't work out. Promise :)

on Mar 28, 2021
Top rated Case & PEI coach/Multiple real offers/McKinsey EM in New York /12 years recruiting experience

16-18 months is pretty standard for a BA recruited into other roles, you will be fine

on Mar 28, 2021
#1 MBB Coach(Placed 750+ in MBBs & 1250+ in Tier2)| The Only 360° coach(Ex-McKinsey+Certified Coach+Active recruiter)

Always follow the path, which you are passionate about! If you really like what you are doing, you won't become unemployed even when the competition is crazy. My advice is to leave, your heart tells you the same thing - so listen to both) 

on Mar 28, 2021

Henning is spot on, leave on very good terms to have the option to come back, just in case. 

All the best.

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