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Last month at MBB

Hi All,


this is gonna be my last month at MBB. Before leaving, What should I do? What typically people do? The goal make the most of my MBB experience

Any list of those things will be appreciated. Thank you

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on Nov 28, 2023
Ex-BCG Principal | 8+ years consulting experience in SEA | BCG top interviewer & top performer


I would spend the time to do the following:

  1. Connect with people that matter to you or who have played a key role in your journey, and thank them (whether you want to share your next plans are up to you)
  2. Update your resume with your most recent project details → at least I tended to forget the quantified impact of some projects very quickly after they were over ;)

All the best!

on Nov 13, 2023
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

Here's what I did:

  1. Updated my resume AND CV 
  2. Grabbed blurbs/summarizations of all of my projects
  3. Wrote down/noted all the great people I worked with and wanted to remember/keep in touch with
  4. Saved anything that was legally allowed
  5. Scheduled catchups/farewells

Think through what you'll likely wish you had done 2-3 years down the line.

Best of luck in your next chapter!

on Nov 12, 2023
Ex-McKinsey Associate Partner | +15 years in consulting | +200 McKinsey 1st & 2nd round interviews

Hi there,

Some ideas from my personal experience on my last month at McKinsey:

  • I made sure to let my main sponsors and mentors that I was leaving by myself and not by others or HR
  • I shared what I was going to do next with mentors and teams to get some help and ideas
  • I networked with people I didn't know but were connect to my next steps to share my story and ask for help and ideas as well
  • I personally thanked client, mentors, team member and support stuff I worked with (by email, phone or in person) during my years there (it is surprising how this personal touch is paying off personally and professionally these days)



on Nov 13, 2023
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach


Wow, this is quite an emotional time. 

The one thing I'd do is to have individual calls with the people who had an influential impact on you during your time in the firm. 

Thank them and ask them for advice going forward. 

Through this, you ensure that the relationships remain alive even though you might not be in the firm in the future. 

I did this with quite a few people and really enjoyed it. It brings a sort of closing, circularity effect to the entire experience of being in the firm.

Good luck!


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on Nov 13, 2023
FREE INTRO I exMcKinsey EM I exKearney consultant I High Success Rate I Official Coach for HEC (160 coachees in 2022/23)


On my side this is what I did:

- Have a chat with my mentors

- Made a recap of all the case I participated to

- Organized a last drink with mentors and colleagues

- Made sur to have the personal contact of my McKinsey family

- Send a nice email at the end to my my local office + important colleagues outside the office :)


on Nov 14, 2023
MBB & Tier2 preparation | 90+ offers | 7 years coaching | 2000+ sessions | PDF reviews attached


Throw a memorable farewell party.

Good luck at your new place!

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