And between The economist and Harvard Business Review if you were to choose one which one would you go for? Thanks a lot in advance The community here especially the experts, we appreciate your advice be blessed.
is it worth to subscribe to Harvard Business Review for Knowledge in the job or preparing for the interview?
Hey, I used the following during my prep days and continue to use them today :). Didnt spend a $ given there is so much free content available:
- Bloomberg
- Inc.
- TED Talks
- Economist
- Free McK Newsletters
Other good sources to learn on the job (might requires some $ for subscription)
- Gartner Webinars
- Udemy
- FT
Honestly, I highly recommend The Economist over HBS. The Economist doesn't just provide business background, but world trends, chart reading, critical thinking, etc. etc.
In addition to The Economist, I also recommend the following:
- The Financial Times
- McKinsey Insights
- BGG Insights
- SpencerTom
No - you can read a lot of the material that is similar in other sources
Stick to
- Economicst
- Financial Times
- Wall Street Journal
- Google !
Definitely the Economist! HBR is too focused on specific niche topics, (and then those in great depth) and does not give you broad buisiness input within a reasonable amount of time.
Thisis highly personal, but TBH I enjoy very very much the Economist.
And it´s key you enjoy it and you don´t feel it as "homework", since if you do, you will soon abandon.
Try, and see what works best for you, what is enjoyable for every weekend.
Hi there!
Both of them are very good, but I would rather choose The Economist. However, you should better compare which type is more appropriate for you.
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I strongly recommend using at least one business journal as a reference to improve your common business sense and be updated on recent trends. HBR is great