Hi community,
I have a question regarding the invitations to interviews at MBB and tier2. We had a lot of consulting workshops were all the companies told us that you have to be in the top 10-15% of your cohort in order to have a chance for an interview. I was top 1% during my bachelors. However, during my masters it is extremely competitive (60 people cohort) with most people having a 1.0 to 1.1 GPA. At least half of the cohort has a 1.0. I was unlucky this time and once got a B instead of an A, meaning I am falling behind in the ranking tremendously and have no chance of getting back into the top 10-15%. Do you think this means there is no chance for me to get the interviews as I am not in the respective 10-15% anymore? Will it be much harder for me? I am wondering how much companies actually look at the rankings of such master programms as grades are extremely similar and often only 1 or 2 grades are different. Does it really matter that much?
Thank you!