I found this great video here. What I was wondering is, how to detect when to use the Top-Down, Bottom-Up or Hybrid approach? Do you have any tips/thoughts on this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWndKXMJ6Xo
Thanks :)
I found this great video here. What I was wondering is, how to detect when to use the Top-Down, Bottom-Up or Hybrid approach? Do you have any tips/thoughts on this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWndKXMJ6Xo
Thanks :)
Thanks for the question! The video you shared does a great job of laying out the different market sizing approaches, particularly around the 1:22 mark, where it explains the Top-Down, Bottom-Up, and Hybrid methods. Here’s how I recommend determining which approach to use:
The approach depends on the data you have: Top-Down for broader data, Bottom-Up for detailed unit data, and Hybrid for a combination of both.
In the context of a case interview, I think you need to think about which way requires the least amount of 'hoops' to jump through to justify the assumptions.
Many sizings could be done through both ways, but one would make alot more intuitive logical sense than the other.