I am currently working on my cover letters and mine is approximately 400 words is that too long? Also is there any resource to get it professionally reviewed that's not too expensive.
How long should a cover letter be?
A cover letter should typically be one page long, around 250-400 words. It should include a concise introduction, highlight your relevant skills and experiences, and express your enthusiasm for the role. While I used cheap assignment help service, they can provide valuable guidance to ensure your cover letter is effective and tailored to your needs.
I wrote my first letter for a software engineer job related to a game developing company I think it was It was I guess rougly 400 words
Hey there,
Ideally, a good cover letter should be between 300-400 words. More important than the word-count, however, is the content of hte letter.
I have reviewed a lot of CVs and Cover Letters, both while at Bain and before. PM me if you are interested and we can discuss - would be happy to help!
300-350 words, 1 a4 page, is enough.
In terms of the structure I would use the following (in paragraphs):
- The intro of who you are
- Why you (several reasons)
- Why "The Company" (Usually 3 reasons)
- Outro
In terms of the content:
Why you is about your career path and extracurricular activities. Depending on your experiences either start from the first or from the last role (the later you are in your career the more sense it is to start with last one). You can mention a couple of your unique selling point and structure your lifepath around it. Add memorable projects or experience with high impact / cool brands / etc. that will stay in the memory of the reader.
Why "The Company" question can include the following arguments:
- Brand / positioning / market share in the region
- More clients / projects / expertise in the industry you are interested in
- More well-known stories of success in your city
- Your friends working there
- Your interactions with the other consultants before the interview
- Your prior experience of working with the Firm on a client side
- Office traditions
- Work experience with firm alumni
- etc
Dear A,
Actually up to 400 words it's ok.
For example of a good CV and Cover letter for consulting, drop me a line in PM and I'm happy to share them with you.