Hi, I am about to enroll as an expert associate consultant in Mexico City Bain and Company GBS. I would like to know easy or diffult it can be to switch to a generalist path within the same company.
How feasible it is to transition fomr Expert Consultant in GBS Mexico to a Generalist Consulting Position

Hello there,
A coachee of mine has been referred to an expert position at Bain and the partner said to him that he would be able to transition to the generalist role in a year (that is in Portugal).
I know that at McKinsey this is also feasible, however not common. It may be because it is a platform for career progression (AP/partners work in specific functions).
Good luck!

hi there,
I have seen examples of expert consultants pivoting to the generalist track. It is not that common and not very easy - the person needs to have enough exposure to generalist case team (e.g., long enough staffed on case rather than just 1-2 weeks ad-hoc surge support here and there) and also do an outstanding job to let the leadership team believe that he/she can perform as a generalist.
Not easy, but can be done.

Hi there,
These things are usually evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
What is important is that you have help from (senior) leaders in the organization, e.g., partners from each practice, your office, your mentors.
They need to push you (allow you to transition) and pull you (request your demand for generalist projects).
Networking, strategic project selection all play a role here...

It is possible, but it is not easy. Being able to showcase your abilities in project work, creating good relationships and reputation with partners is quite important.

Hi there,
it does work but is not an easy or very common path. If you want to make the move, you need to try to make it early and with as much internal support as possible. The early career levels for experts and generalists are quite similar which makes it slightly easier to transition.