How do you choose between two very different offers as a 26-year-old with 3 years of experience?
I’m facing a tough decision and could really use some advice.
- Option 1: I’ve secured an offer from a top Tier 2 consulting firm in the Middle East (think OW/K). It’s a senior consultant role, so they’ve taken my previous experience into account. The salary is incredibly high compared to my current salary in Europe—plus, there are no taxes to worry about.
- Option 2: I’m in the interview process with Bain in Madrid for an entry-level role. I don’t have an offer yet, but I’m trying to imagine what I’d do if I got one. The salary would be significantly lower, especially after taxes (possibly 4-5x lower than the ME offer). I’d also be starting at entry level here. But Bain’s global reputation is obviously stronger, and I’ve heard that working in Europe is often viewed as more valuable experience.
I understand I’ve put myself in this position, but I’m genuinely confused. What would you do in my situation? My priority is to earn and save good money, but I also want to learn as much as I can and grow in my career. Any suggestions?