Iโve heard that MBB (specifically Mckinsey and Bain) have significantly slowed down hiring right now for Germany, with Mckinsey having already filled the 2024 pipeline.
Is that true? Does anyone have any insights here? Specifically for Germany.ย
Hiring freeze MBB Germany

Hi there,
At this point, I can confirm that there has been a significant slowdown already for a while, however, no full hiring freeze.
It's much harder to go through the initial screening process (resume and test/game) as well as receive an offer through the interviews.
Hence, you should only apply with
- a stellar and polished resume
- a strong referral
- having practiced enough for the online assessments (do not start practicing once you receive the invite)
- case and fit practice well underway
All the best,

Hi there,
hiring slowdown for sure, complete hiring freeze not to my knowledge. Tier 2s are also still interviewing and hiring.
But the chances of getting an offer are certainly slimmer now. So you need to apply broadly to a lot of companies and only submit your applications once you feel sufficiently prepared for the interviews (you want to make the most out of any shot you get).
Competition is even stiffer for the time being. However, even in a flourishing economic environment the chances are low to secure an MBB offer. So in either case, you have to do very well. That said, there is no real point in being more discouraged than at any other point in time when it comes to consulting recruiting. That's the good news :)
Best of luck

Hi there!
Yes, they have slowed down hiring. Not only for Germany but everywhere.ย
I am not aware though of McKinsey having already filled their pipeline for 2024 in Germany, though I know that for the UK, for instance, they planned on filling the pipeline by end of March.ย
As I always say, these things are outside of your control. The only thing that you can do is to check in with the recruiter and ask if they are still accepting applications. If they do, then you need to prepare an amazing application that has a chance of passing screening. You might find the following guide helpful in terms of how to strategise around your applications:

Hi there,
In general, yes, things are slower. In regards to 2024 specifically, while that may be possible it does not mean applications/interviews won't happen this year.
As always, you need to keep networking to understand what's happening at any given time for your specific office/role (things change quickly) and to increase your odds. And, you need to broaden your search from just MBB.

Not exactly freeze, but I can confirm it is going slow. It is important to notice that in these market conditions most of the hiring comes from university recruiting (fresh graduates), with experienced hires being a minority.ย
As such, by March / April, the September intake tends to be complete, and the next recruitment cycle will be for January (and start by September).