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Hi everyone, I would appreciate any advice on my CV ! please take a look :)

In summary; I am close to graduate from my Cems Master´s in International Management, and I am currently preparing my applications for entry consultant roles in Europe  (MBB and tier 2). I would highly appreciate if any expert could give me feedback and challenge my current CV in order to improve it before submitting my applications. I hope everybody is  and remain safe, positive and healthy in the current times, cheers”

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on Nov 27, 2020

Hey Luis,

My comments as follows:

  1. Profile statement: This should summarise your professional background and bring out key industry, functional skills and personal qualities. Yours is very generic at the moment
  2. Education
    • CEMS and Nova School of Business as seprate entries is confusing. Combine these into one and provide details in no more than 3 easy to read bullets
    • No need to mention A best F worst- everyone knows that :)
    • GPA: Just say 3.83/5
    • HEC Montreal- I assume this was exchange semster while you were at Los Andes? If yes, combine it
    • Your education section should have 2 entries with 3 bullets each- thats it!
  3. Work Experience
    • Volaris Airline: its very vague and needs to be speficic and impactful. Which georgphic region did you do the analysis for? Which business units were looked at? What insights did you create? Did you work in a team/manage a team/or were individual contributor? What was the tangible outcome of your work?
    • BNamerica: Advised C-suite- REALLY? Make it specific and believable. Same comments as above
    • For consistency use two bullets per work experience entry

Feel free to post version 2 again or send to me via personal message. Also wait for other coaches to reply :).

Good luck!

Deleted user
on Nov 27, 2020

Hi Luis - 

I hope you're well. 

I have been screening for Consultant entry-level positions for a very long time and think your CV looks very strong overall, including its structure. However, I think it can gain a lot from being more specific in ambition and description:

  • Ambition: Given you have plenty of work experience (even running your own business), I would try to motivate in the short description what industry you're key on joining. Even if you want to stay generalist in the beginning, you don't lose anything by expressing more where you see yourself heading and it shows refreshing motivation.
  • Description: Your job experience is pretty "generic" (... financial, commercial, and operations projects). What was the impact on the business? Can it be quantified? You say you developed bonds and securities... What sort? Did you help them raise money? How much? This is something I generally look for when screening CVs, given that lots of candidates write very similar versions.

Hope this helps and happy to answer any of your questions! It's a very exciting phase, so take advantage of this forum ;). 

Kind regards,


on Dec 01, 2020
Hi Mr. Ludovic, Thanks for your time and feedback. I agree on your recommendations and future changes will be made. Regarding the future Industry scope, as you mentioned I follow more a generalist approach, and in order to express my future motivation, I think is important to tailor it to the main local and company industry focus, I would not like to mention an industry than might not be big in the country / company I will be applying, what do you think?
on Nov 28, 2020
#1 MBB Coach(Placed 750+ in MBBs & 1250+ in Tier2)| The Only 360° coach(Ex-McKinsey+Certified Coach+Active recruiter)

Hello, I think that your CV is really very strong, however, I consider that you should write more details about your results and achievements in your previous workplaces. 
Moreover, I think that you could write more about how you can be useful exactly for this company.
Was it helpful?


on Dec 01, 2020
GB thanks! You are right, I should elaborate a bit more on results and achievements.
on Nov 28, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


Strong CV, congrats!

However, something that sounds quite werid to me is that "20 best, 0 worst", what does it mean? Ive never seen it, it´s quite misleading



on Nov 30, 2020
Hello! Thanks , it refers to the range and meaning of the GPA. Countries in EU have different GPAs scales, and in some countries a lower GPA is actually better ( i.e Germany, for example goes from 1.0 to 5.0, where 1.0 is the best grade possible)
on Dec 01, 2020
McKinsey | NASA | top 10 FT MBA professor for consulting interviews | 6+ years of coaching

Hi, feel free to text me for further tips


on Dec 01, 2020
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

I agree with the other coaches here. Overall, your resume does look strong. However, the main area it is lacking in is in your experiences section. Generally, there should be more here (i.e. more bullet points, more "impressive" experience bullets, better expression of responsibilities and impact)

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