I would love to know if anybody tried playing "Ecosystem" game as from what i have seen it looks similar to what someone could encounter in Imbellus.
Would also like to know if any similar games exist
I would love to know if anybody tried playing "Ecosystem" game as from what i have seen it looks similar to what someone could encounter in Imbellus.
Would also like to know if any similar games exist
Hi there,
The game you mentioned is visually similar to the Imbellus Ecosystem Management game. However the actual gameplay, rules and goals of the Imbellus are very different. There are specific rules that you have to follow to create the Imbellus ecosystem and choose the location that you won't find playing that game.
If you really want to replicate the Ecosystem game in advance, I believe the best way is to watch the videos in the guide linked below (full disclosure – I am the author ;)).
In 8 videos, it is going to show you step-by-step how to crack the Ecosystem Game in less than 25 minutes (instead of the recommended 35). Plus the pdf guide will show all 4 possible game scenarios and how to crack each of them (you are going to play 2 games during the Imbellus and not just the Ecosystem Management one).
If you have any additional doubts, you can contact me for free and I will reply within 12 hours.
You can download the guide and watch the videos instantly at the link below:
Hope this helps,
Hi there,
I've always found the "Gugan Frontier" to be a good representation.
Hi, I developed some good strategies to handle it, feel free to text me