Thanks a lot in advance.
Does CFA helps in Consulting in terms of getting the interview or performing at the job?

Hi there,
I agree with Emily. It won’t help you to get a job. However, you will get finance knowledge that may be useful during the job.
If you want to maximize your chances to get a job and perform well I would invest time in the following, besides case and fit preparation:
- Find a good referral (useful to get the interview)
- Master Excel (useful to perform well in Analyst/Associate tasks)
- Improve Soft Skills related to people management (useful to grow in the company)

It doesn't help you get the interview.
It can be helpful at the job as you would need some finance knowledge to solve the business/client problem. But you don't need the level 3 proficiency. Level 1 should cover enough finance knowledge required for the job in most cases.

It does not help in getting an interview but it can help a lot at the beginning of your experience, especially if you don't have a business background.

Hi there!
A CFA helps make your profile more attractive to recruiters, so it can contribute to you passing screening. But it's by no means a must.
Similarly, a CFA can give you the sort of knowledge that will make you an asset for engagements that have a strong finance component. And yet, very few of the consultants that I've worked with actually had a CFA.
In short, it helps, but it's not critical.

It does not really help with getting an interview. What it can do is cement your strengths in financial analysis - so if you are applying for a specialist consulting role where financial analysis is key to success then it would be a good thing to have. Majority of roles do not have this requirement.
You still ideally have to go to a target school and get the required GPA etc.
In terms of job performance - there are some advantages here especially when it comes to reading financial statements and performing financial analyses which does come up from time to time

Hi Anonymous,
For getting the interview: No, not really - it could be a small plus if you are borderline for being invited to interviews, but the effort of obtaining the CFA title is in no relation to the small advantage you might gain (if you have your CFA already, great, it does not hurt either).
Concerning performing at the job - it helps if you are focused on financial industry, because you are familiar with many core topics covered in the CFA . Apart from that, I don't see a big gain.
Hope that helps - if so, please be so kind and give it a thumbs-up with the green upvote button below!

Hi there,
If your objective is consulting, the CFA is worth neither your time nor money. Use this time/money to build up consulting-related skillsets.

I do not think it is a very big differentiator in terms of getting an interview especially if you do not already fulfill the existing criteria (target school, impressive academics, solid work experience, etc.).
On the job, having some more extensive training in financial analysis can sure only be helpful but again I do not think its a huge differentiator compared to other skills required to be successful in consulting.

I think it helps in the CV screening part, since holding a CFA indicates many good attributes in a candidate.
In the interview itself, not really, unless is a very financial case and you can leverage some knowledge.
Hope it helps!