The case involves a pretty straightforward profitiabiltiy framework, and it only asks to find out solutions without asking for root cause of the problem in the statement. In this case (where the statement just directly asks for solutions), do we need to include "understanding the root cause first" in the initial framework/roadmap in the opening?
Do we need to understand the root cause first in the framework?

Hello Ashley,
At the beginning you should always take 30 seconds in order to write down a framework that can help you to identify the root causes and potential solutions (they are anyway linked in 90% of cases).
This case is an example of "interviewer-led" case (Mckinsey style), where after the framewrok the interviewer will push you toward a certain solution. It can happen that he asks you for potential solutions at the opening of the interview (in this case "how to increase revenues") and you have to jump directly in that section of your framework.
Hope it helps,

Hi Ashley,
for interviewer led cases like this you do not need it, since you have to answer to pushy questions. E.g. in this case if the interviewer suddenly asks you about ways to increase revenue you have to answer it, you cannot starting from root causes.

You should always find the root cause before jumping to generating soltuions. In any case