I want to ask a question about the daily consumption rate calculated per car vs the capacity refill of each car at the petrol station as part of this demand-led market sizing.
We calculate that each car uses 50L of fuel over the course of 10 days, which approximates to 5L of fuel per day as the daily consumption of a car.
Later, we assume that as a weighted average, cars refill to the maximum capacity of 50L whereas industrial cars refill to 100L. We then take a weighted average of 20% and 80% respectively to get the final figure as the refill average of 60L as the average fuel supplied per vehicle per day.
However, I'm unsure how the two numbers work together (if anything, appear to conflict). We deduce that each car uses 5L of fuel a day but then refill to 60L on average per day.
I want to ask how this makes sense logistically or whether these figures are in isolation and should not be assessed in the same environment as per the two differing branches of the case.