Hi! When Bain is posting job of consultant in specific Practice, are they expecting CV, CL in classic consulting format, or industry format is good as well?
Hi! When Bain is posting job of consultant in specific Practice, are they expecting CV, CL in classic consulting format, or industry format is good as well?
Hi there,
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by industry format?
That said, I think you know the answer here: If you're applying to design school, you'd want to apply with a portfolio (i.e. a design school CV format), right? Equally, if you're applying to consulting, use the consulting cv format!
Feel free to message me and I can provide you with 2 killer consulting CV templates!
Hi there,
Agree with Ian that it is unclear what you mean by industry format. In any case, you should apply with a CV and Cover as you would do for a generalist consulting position.
You can find some suggestions on what to include here: https://www.preplounge.com/en/consulting-forum/what-are-the-steps-for-a-journalism-major-to-get-into-consulting-10235
Feel free to contact me, then we can have a call on this topic :)