I have successfully passed screening stage for McKinsey and BCG (Bain is still outstanding). However, I have direct rejections for Roland Berger, Stern Steward and Strategy&. Does it make sense to apply for internship positions instead? Can I reapply after rejections? My initial application was regarding a full-time position, as I have just graduated. However, given the market is so difficult right now, I am thinking whether it makes sense to buffer the time with internships. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
Consulting applications strategy

You are a graduate, you are looking for a full time job.
When they give out an intership offer, they are not looking to fullfil a short term staffing need, but rather looking to hire a full time employee later on. If you are a graduate, the “later on” doesn't exist... as you are immediately available.
Since you are a graduate, there's no difference in criteria. In fact, there's no difference.
The only difference will be that by applying to the internship instead, you are stating (indirectly) that are not looking for a full time job. That is not a positive.
If a full time role is available, going for the intership does not improve your chances. Most likely it has no impact although may lead to an awkward conversation. But there's a chance it actually lowers your chances.
(And no, you cannot reapply after rejection. If your profile was ok for an internship, they would have contacted you with that proposition)

You have some great companies to interview with, many congratulations!
It is quite likely Roland Berger etc are not really hiring this year given the bad market conditions for consulting. Most firms are looking to downsize.
To answer your question - it is unlikely you can apply for internship roles unless you are still in college as most of these positions have that as a pre-requisite.

Congrats on the interview invites!
Quite strange that you passed screening with the more selective ones but got rejected by others, right?
Typically, most consulting firms have a 12-month freeze. So, I would advise you to reach out directly to the recruiters from the ones that rejected you and ask whether they would be willing to reconsider your application for the internship.
At least this way, you get a clear answer rather than a default rejection that you can't make sense of.

Hi there,
1) I have direct rejections for Roland Berger, Stern Steward and Strategy&. Does it make sense to apply for internship positions instead?
Normally internships have specific requirements. If you satisfy them after the ban, you can apply for them. However, given you already graduated, I suspect you might not qualify for them.
2) Can I reapply after rejections?
Yes, but normally you have to wait until the end of the ban period. Given you are considering a different position, you might want to reach out to HR to check if there is the option to apply earlier for an internship.
Good luck!

Hi there,
since you have already graduated, you should not apply for any internships anymore. You are ready for a full-time job and that should be your objective.
If certain firms already rejected you for full-time, they will not reconsider you for an internship. Internships are a recruiting tool for firms to convert promising interns into full-time employees. In your case, they already deemed that you are “currently” not a profile they see fit for a full-time position. This, however, can change if your CV changes over time and you add relevant experiences (hence the typical ban periods of 12-18 months after a rejection).
Of course in the current market environment, your rejections could be due to those firms not actively hiring but the outcome is the same. If you are serious about consulting, you should apply broadly to many firms - but for full-time positions and not internships.
Best of luck