Which team decides/designs the compensation packages in consulting firms? Who has the final call in how much a candidate is offered? Is the offer based more on the firm's budget or skills of the candidate?
Compensation at major consulting firms

As far as I know, in the top consulting firms, the compensation package is fixed according to the level you are. No negotation possible.

the only negotiable part of the compensation scheme is the entry bonus. You can discuss it with HR once you get the offer and it's only for experienced hires.
Hello there,
Typically, the compensation package are fixed based on the levels, especially for entry level.
For post-MBA or senior experience hires, this may varies depending on the result of your discussion / negotiation with the Firm. The more senior you are, the more leverage you have in negotiating the compensation package, e.g. post-MBA Associates might negotitates mostly in sign-in bonus while senior executives might negotiate the overall package.
Generally, the decision on the package is beiong made by the partner whom you are in touch with during the interviews, especially on the compensation negotiation. This partner usually heads up the HR or people development function within the office in parallel with his operational role.
Hope it helps.
Kind regards,

For a new hire candidate the offer and compensation package is fixed and based on the role you are being offered (no space for negotiation).
if you are already hired, your compensation is the same as everyone else with your role and tenure. Final year bonus depends on your tenure and committee ranking.

The salaries for each career step are well defined for each consulting company. It's not possible to modify them.

All the salaries are non-negotiable and standardized across the roles. You can check the compensation at glassdoor.
The entry roles are also pretty well-defined:
- Pre-MBA junior level (BA / SBA at McK, Acs / sAC at Bain, BCG)
- Post MBA / experienced hire level (Asc at Mck and Consultant at Bain, BCG)
You can also get a manager and above roles if you have previous experience in consulting, but these cases are rare.
At least in McKinsey Germany those packages are fixed by level (Fellow, Associate, Engagement Manager, etc.) and are non-negotiable.

I have not yet met anyone who could negotiate!
It´s pretty standarized by position and geography.
Hope it helps!
The only variance I have seen here in the Middle East is that the signing bonus is negotiable and that sometimes you just need to ask for it. Even if you successfully negotiate the salary or bonus, it is likely that this will be corrected during the end of year calibrations.